Course duration11-Months Part-time Programme
StartsApril 2024
Course Details
About the Course

Business growth is not linear and follows a pattern of successive “S-Curves.” Businesses see sharp growth for a few years when the right ingredients are in place. Still, despite doing the same set of things, growth seems to flatten out and returning to consistent, sharp growth becomes hard.
To grow, businesses must break out of the current orbit and find the next orbit or the next “S-curve.” The irony is that what worked well and propelled the business in one orbit often does not work in the next orbit, and businesses must change and do different things to grow. While the need to transition from one S-curve to the next happens regularly in businesses, every such transition is hard.
Programme Faculty

Dr. Anand Deshpande

A first-generation entrepreneur, Dr. Anand Deshpande is the well-known Founder & Chairman of Persistent Systems, which has been a globally reputed name in IT for over three decades. Headquartered in Pune, it caters to global clientele. He passionately champions the cause of Indian entrepreneurs.

Dr. Ashok Korwar

A management consultant and a growth catalyst, Dr. Ashok Korwar has helped companies in the $25 million range grow to the next orbit. He holds a B. Tech from IIT Bombay, a Ph.D. from UCLA and worked as a Professor at IIM Ahmedabad for 10 years. Dr. Korwar was the Advisor to Chairman, Polaris when it grew from $25 million to $250 million in just 7 years.
Course Details

- Learning Objective
- Selection process
- Application Process
- Timelines
The curated programme offers well-defined learning objectives for every participant, that will add value to their knowledge and business. More importantly, it will set them on the path towards desired growth.
- At the end of the 11-month program, the participants will be equipped with definite takeaways.
- At the end of the programme, participants should be able to chart out their growth path towards 10x.
- Ideas generated in the programme will unable participants to grow in a sustainable manner.
The Selection for this programme has been divided into quantitative and qualitative parameters. From personal interaction to articulation of business scenarios by the applicant, the selection will be driven by different factors based on a State of Purpose (SoP) and an interview process.
- Applicants are required to submit a 1000-word statement of purpose describing their business's current status, challenges faced during growth, and strategies employed to address these challenges.
- The 1000-word statement of purpose (SoP) will undergo thorough evaluation as part of the application process.
- Shortlisted candidates will participate in an interview conducted by a distinguished panel, where the diversity of applicants will be a key consideration.
- The final list of selected candidates will be publicly announced following the completion of the selection process.
Since this is a course designed to assist businesses and business owners at a very specific stage and facing unique challenges, the application process tries to identify the most eligible candidates for the course.
- Applicants would be expected to submit a 1000-word essay that clearly articulates the details about the current state of the business
- Motivation for growing the business
- Challenges that the Company faces and expectations from the course
- Application fees of Rs. 1000 + 18% GST = Rs. 1180/- per company
Scheduled to commence on March 2024, the application and selection process for this 11-month programme will be implemented through well-defined timelines.
Application Open | 25 January 2024 |
Last Date of Application | 15 March 2024 |
Application Scrutiny | 15 - 22 March 2024 |
Interview of the Shortlisted Candidates | 23 - 31 March 2024 |
Final List of Selected Candidates | 05 April 2024 |
Final Date of Admission | 15 April 2024 |
Kickoff Session | April 2024 |
Course design & details

The 11-month program as a part of Second Orbit offers a diverse set of learnings that add to your business knowledge. Read on to know more.

Transform your business today!
Go ahead, enroll for this first-of-its-kind business learning program, driven by experts and prepare to take a business leap that takes you to the next orbit of growth.