Dhanmanjiri Sathe
Senior Fellow
PhD, Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics
Specialization : Political economy of land acquisition, Local governance, Institutional economics
Dhanmanjiri believes that the prism of political economy as a methodology to study India is rigorous, and it is most insightful. She reckons that results from such analysis are most meaningful and have policy implications. Her current research is in this domain. For her, a classroom–including the teacher–is one of the most egalitarian places in the world. She makes sure that every student learns something new in each class she teaches. She likes to reach in a jolly and humorous mood, as she thinks that learning is the best when it is fun.
Understanding society is very essential if one wants to be a good person and a good economist, she feels. This, she thinks, comes from fieldwork, reading creative literature, following newspapers, watching films and theatre, and engaging with different kinds of people around you.
She is never too busy for a cup of coffee!
Books & book chapters
- “The Political Economy of Land Acquisition in India: How a Village Stops Being One”, published by Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore, Oct. 2017. ISBN: 978-981-10-5325-2, ISBN: 978-981-10-5326-9 (e-book).
- “NGOs and the Farmers’ Movements”, (jointly written), sponsored by the Ministry of Agriculture as part of Millennium Study published by Academic Foundation, Delhi June 2004.
Book chapters
- Chapter in a book titled, “Land Question in Neo-liberal India.” Title of the chapter, LARR 2013: What Does It Deliver”, edited by Deepak Mishra and Pradeep Naik, by Palgrave Macmillan, May 2020.
- Article published (jointly written) in the book titled, “Development and Deprivation in the Indian Subcontinent”, 2019. Title of the article, “What Does Poverty Mean to the Poor: Some Reflections Based on Case Studies in Pune”, (eds.) Utpal Kumar De and Manoranjan Das, published by Springer.
- Article published as Seminar Proceedings Series: No. 1, Democracy and the State in India, Centre for Advanced Study, Dept. of Politics and Public Administration, University of Pune, edited by Mangesh Kulkarni, Feb. 2013. Title, “The State and Land in India”.
Select Mimeographs
- Research Project titled, “India: A Better –off Economy or a Better-off Polity, Savitribai Phule Pune University, March 2020.
- Research project titled, ‘Comparative Analysis of the Dalit, Women Sarpanchs and the Upper- Caste, Male Sarpanchs: A Story of Two Extremes on the Spectrum’, published by Indian Institute of Dalit Studies, New Delhi, Dec. 2018.
- Research project titled, ‘Does Money Power and Muscle Power Matter? A Preliminary Study of Perceptions from Gram Panchayats’ Elections in Maharashtra’ published by Maharashtra State Election Commission, Mumbai, published in May 2019.
- Occasional Paper titled, ‘Political Economy of Land Acquisition: A Comparison of Maan in Maharashtra and Bhangar in W. Bengal’, SPP University, March 2019.
- Occasional Paper titled, ‘The Puzzle of Maharashtra’s Development: High Per Capita Income co-existing with Low Human Development Indicators’, SPP University, March 2018.
- Occasional Paper titled, ‘A Study of Land Acquisition in Two Airports: The Cases of Shirdi in Ahmednagar district and Purandar in Pune Taluka’, March 2018.
- Occasional Paper titled, “Reservations for Dalits in Gram Panchayats: A Study of Some Implications” by Centre for Social Sciences and Humanities, SP Pune University in March 2016.
- Occasional Paper titled, “Land acquisition Issues: A Case Study of Maan Village, Maharashtra” by Centre for Social Sciences and Humanities, SP Pune University in March 2015.
- ‘Globalization and the Panchayati Raj Institutions: A Case Study of Maharashtra’, published by National Centre for Advocacy Studies, Pune, Nov. 2008, Globalization Governance Grassroots Series No. 21 (Supported by the Ford Foundation, India).
- A project titled, “A Spell-Binding Journey of Being in Power and Then Not: A Story of Dalit-Women in Gram Panchayats, supported by Praj Foundation, Pune.
- A project titled, “India: A Better-off Economy or a Better-off Polity?
- Joint research project with Prof. Milind Sathye, Head of Discipline, Accounting Banking and Finance, Faculty of Business, Government and Law, University of Canberra, Australia titled, “The Use of microfinance for improving sanitary conditions of women, Pune, India’, June- Aug 2012.
- Research Project for GTZ, New Delhi titled, ‘WASUNDHARA’ as an Approach to Target the Poor within the Watershed Development Programs’, July 2009.
- Joint research project with Dr Meera Bapat for a project titled, ‘Poverty lines and lives of the poor: Underestimation of Urban Poverty, The Case of India, International Institute for Environment and Development, London, Feb 2009.
- Research Project with German Research Foundation (via the Courant Research Centre for Poverty, Equity and Growth in Developing Countries, Georg-August University of Goettingen University) titled, ‘Can the Female Sarpanch Deliver? Evidence from Maharashtra’, in 2008.
- Completed a Research Report titled, “An Overview of the Indian Economy since 1991”, in May 2004 to be a part of the bigger project titled, ‘Understanding Asian Cities – The Case of Pune, India’, sponsored by the Asian Coalition of Housing Rights, Bangkok.
- Research Project titled, Comparative Analysis of the Dalit, Women Sarpanchs and the Upper- Caste, Male Sarpanchs: A Story of Two Extremes on the Spectrum” funded by Indian Institute of Dalit Studies, New Delhi submitted in Dec. 2018.
- Research project titled, ‘Does Money Power and Muscle Power Matter? A Preliminary Study of Perceptions from Gram Panchayats’ Elections in Maharashtra’ supported by Maharashtra State Election Commission, Mumbai, 2018- 2019.
- Research project titled, A Study of Land Acquisition in Purandar taluka and for Samruddhi Yojana, Maharashtra, Departmental Research Project, Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU) starting from 1 April 2017 to 30 March 2018.
- Research project titled, The Puzzle of Maharashtra’s Development: High Per Capita Income co-existing with Low Human Development Indicators’, SPP University, March 2018.
- Research project titled, ‘A Study of Land Acquisition in Two Airports: The Cases of Shirdi in Ahmednagar district and Purandar in Pune Taluka, Departmental Research Project, SPPU, March 2018.
- Research project titled, “Reservations for Dalits in Gram Panchayats: A Study of Some Implications” by Centre for Social Sciences and Humanities, Savitribai Phule Pune University in March 2016.
- Research project titled, “Land acquisition Issues: A Case Study of Maan Village, Maharashtra” by Centre for Social Sciences and Humanities, Savitribai Phule Pune University in March 2015.
- Research project titled, “Economic Impact of potential India-European Free Trade Agreement on Indian Marine Sector’ supported by Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi under Grants-in-Aid scheme along with Dr B.H. Nagoor. From 2009-to 2011.
- Research Project titled, ‘Political Economy of Maharashtra’ supported by BCUD, SPPU, From 2009-2011.
- Research project for CUTS CITEE, Jaipur, for the Ministry of Commerce, GOI, New Delhi related to Special Economic Zones, in Nov. 2009.
- Research Project titled, ‘Food Security and Globalization of India’s Agriculture, funded by BCUD, SPPU for the period 2007-09.
- Research project titled, ‘Globalization and the Panchayati Raj Institutions: A Case Study of Maharashtra’, published by National Centre for Advocacy Studies, Pune, Nov. 2008, Globalization Governance Grassroots Series No. 21 (Supported by the Ford Foundation, India).
- Research project (jointly done) Title “Factors Affecting India’s Floricultural Exports: An Econometric Approach”, funded by Centre for Social Sciences, SPPU in 2008.
Completed a Research Report titled, “A Review of the Impact of ‘Vachan Prakalp’ in Zilla Parishad Schools in Maharashtra: Revisiting in 2005, in Oct. 2006, for Pratham, Mumbai. - Completed a Research Report titled, “Private Cost of Public Education: A Study of Pune City”, for the Social Work Department, Forbes Marshall in Sep. 2005.
- Completed a Research Report titled, “A Review of the Impact of ‘Vachan Prakalp’ in Zilla Parishad Schools in Maharashtra”, in July 2004 for Pratham, Mumbai.
- Completed consultancy Assignment for the Export-Import Bank of India, Mumbai in September 2001. The title “Facilitating Agri-product Exports: Pune as an Export Hub – A Preliminary Note”.
- Completed consultancy assignment for Center for Development Research and Documentation, Pune in 1996. The title “Agriculture Service Centers: A Review of Their Working”.
- Completed consultancy assignment for Infrastructure Leasing and Financial Services Limited, Mumbai in 1991. Title “Import Intensities of Various Industries in Indian Economy”.
- Research Project titled, ‘Food Security and Globalization of India’s Agriculture, funded by BCUD, SPPU for the period 2007-09.
- Research project (jointly done) Title “Factors Affecting India’s Floricultural Exports: An Econometric Approach”, funded by CSS, SPPU in 2008.
- Research Project titled, ‘Nature of Service Sector in the Indian Economy and its Potential for Export’ in 1991-92, at National Institute of Bank Management, Pune.
- Research Project titled, ‘A Study of Structural Changes under Liberalized Regimes: Lessons for India’ in 1992-93 at National Institute of Bank Management, Pune.
Academic journals
- Article published by Economic and Political Weekly, April 1, 2017, Vol. LII No. 13. Title,
- “Land Acquisition and Beyond: The Farmers’ Perspective”, pp 59 -64. ISSN No. 0012-9976.
- Article published by Economic and Political Weekly, Dec. 17, 2016, Vol. LI No. 51. Title,
- “Land Acquisition: Need for Shift in Discourse?”, pp 52 -58. ISSN No. 0012-9976.
- Article published by Economic and Political Weekly, April 2- 4, 2016, Vol. LI No. 14, Title, “A Drought of Reporting”, pp 92-93. ISSN No. 0012-9976. Under the heading Postscript
- Rapporteur’s Report for the session “Economic Contribution of Women in Agriculture” at the Indian Society for Agricultural Economics, Nov. 2015, Ludhiana, Platinum Jubilee Year.
- Article published by Economic and Political Weekly, June 27-July 4, 2015, Vol. L No. 26 & 27, Title, “Land Acquisition Act and the Ordinance: Some Issues” pp 90-95. ISSN No. 0012-9976.
- Article published by Economic and Political Weekly, Feb. 14 2015, Vol. L No. 7, Title, ‘Implications of Land Acquisition for Dalits: Explorations in Maharashtra’ pp 52-59. ISSN No. 0012-9976.
- Article published by Indian Journal of Economics and Business, Vol.13, No.3 (2014): “A Study Of Barriers to the Uptake of Microfinance for Improving Sanitation Facilities for Poor Women” pp 317-329 (jointly written, the second author out of four). ISSN No. 0972-5784
- Article published by Economic and Political Weekly, Feb. 15 2014, Vol. XLIX, No. 7, Title, ‘Vicissitudes in the Acquisition of Land: A Case Study, pp 74-77. ISSN No. 0012-9976.
- Article published by Economic and Political Weekly, March 16, 2013, Vol. XLVIII, No. 11, Title, ‘Can the Female Sarpanch Deliver? Evidence from Maharashtra’, pp 50-57. ISSN No. 0012-9976.
- Article published by ArthaVijnana, March 2012, Vol. LIV No. 1. Title “ Sources of Structural Changes in the Indian Economy during the Pre-Reforms Period: 1951-52 to 1983-84. Pp39-52. ISSN No. 0004-3559.
- Commentary published by Economic and Political Weekly, April 28, 2012, Vol. XLVII, No. 17, Title, “The Corruption of the Human Development Index” pp 18-20.
- Book Review published by Economic and Political Weekly, Jan 21, 2012, Vol. XLVII, No.3.Title of the book, ‘Agrarian Crisis and Farmer Suicides’ by R S. Deshpande and Saroj Arora. Title of the review “Farmers in a Quagmire: The Wages of Unconcern”, pp 39-40.
- Article published by Economic and Political Weekly, July 16-22 2011, Vol. XLVI, No.29.
- Title, ‘The Political Economy of Land and Development’, pp 151-156.
- Article published in IGIDR Proceedings/Project Reports Series PP-062-17. Title, “ Does Governance Improve with Globalization? A Case Study of Village Level Institutions in Maharashtra, India, 9-12 Aug. 2009.
- Article published by Monthly Economic Digest, Jan 2008. Title, “Private Cost of Public Education: A Preliminary Survey of Pune City”.
- Article published by Economic and Political Weekly, Dec. 30, 2007, Vol.XLI, No. 52. The title “Sustaining Agricultural Trade: Policy and Impact” (jointly written with R.S. Deshpande) pp5337-5344.
- Article published by FICCI, New Delhi in the souvenir brought out at the International Conference on Public-Private Partnerships for Harnessing the Potential of Rainfed Agriculture, held on 19-20 Oct 2005 in New Delhi. The title “Private Public Partnership in Agro-exports –The Potential of Organic Product Exports from the Rainfed Areas.
- Article published by Economic and Political Weekly, June 18, 2005, Vol. XL, No. 25. The title “A Response to Verdicts on Nehru”, pp2635-2636.
- Article published by Economic and Political Weekly, Jan. 8 2005, Vol XL, No.2. The title “Interventions and Learning Abilities: Read India Project in Maharashtra’, pp 103-105.
- Article published by Economic and Political Weekly, July 24, 2004, Vol. XXXIX, No. 30. The title “Liberalization of Pulses Sector: Production, Prices and Imports”, pp 3391-3397.
- Article published by Economic and Political Weekly, 20 July 2002, Vol. XXXVII, No. 29. Title “Industrial Slowdown and Small Scale Sector” pp4761-4766.
- Article published by Economic and Political Weekly, 22 Dec. 2001, Vol. XXXVI, No.51. The title “Balanced Growth and Foreign Trade”, pp4761-4766.
- ‘Australia and New Zealand: A Study of India’s Trade and Investment Potential, Occasional Paper No. 85, published by Export-Import Bank of India, March 2001, pp1-74.
- ‘Article published by Economic and Political Weekly, April 2, 1999, Vol. XXXIV, No.14. The title “Comment on ‘Economic Development and Political Democracy’’, pp839-840.
- Article published by Economic and Political Weekly, May 2, 1998, Vol. XXXIII, No.18. The title “Asian Currency Crisis and the Indian Economy”, pp 1103-1105.
- Article published by Economic and Political Weekly, Feb.22, 1997, Vol. XXXII, No 8. The title “Import Intensity of India’s Exports: Some Fresh Evidence” pp M31-M44.
- Article published by Journal of Indian School of Political Economy, Oct. – Dec. 1996, Vol. 8, No.9.The title “A Review of India’s Balance of Payments: 1984-85 to 1993-94” pp 690-705.
- Article published by Artha Vijnana, Dec. 1996, Vol.XXXVII, No.4. The title “Some Issues Related to the Creation and Use of Import Matrices for the Indian Economy” pp 407-432.
- Article published by Journal of Indian School of Political Economy, Oct.-Dec. 1995, Vol. 7, No. 4. The title” Advantage from Trade: An Input-Output Approach”, pp 661-670.
- Article published by Journal of Indian School of Political Economy, Jan-March 1995, Vol.7, No. 1. The title “Impact of Diversification of Composition of Exports: An Analysis of the Linkages of Indian Exports”, pp 94-103.
- Thesis abstract titled, “An Analysis of Linkages of Foreign Trade for the Indian Economy: 1951-52 to 1978-79”, published by Arthavijnana,1993, Sep, pp 287-296.
- “Nature of the Service Sector in the Indian Economy and its Potential for Export’, published by National Institute of Bank Management, Staff Papers, 1992.
Papers presented
- Paper presented at International Conference on Maharashtra held from 21-25 Sep. 2021 at Oxford University, UK. Title of the paper “Mobility into Power of the Dalit-Women Sarpanchs and a Comparison with the Upper Caste- Male Sarpanchs in Maharashtra: A Story of Two Extremes on the Spectrum.
- Presented paper at the International Conference on Images of India in Russia and Images of Russia in India, held by Savitribai Phule Pune University and Russian State University for Humanities, Moscow 28 Jan. 2020 to 30 Jan. 2020 on “The Consequences of Economic Influence of USSR on India”.
- Presented paper at the Conference organized by the Indian Democracy at Work – Theme “Money Power in Politics” (organized by Foundation for Democracy, Indian Business School and University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad) on “The Prevalence of Vote Buying in Gram Panchayat Elections: A Preliminary Study of Perceptions in Maharashtra” on 9 and 10 Jan. 2020.
- Presented a paper at the Dept. of Economics, SPPU, on 19 March 2019 on “Agrarian Crisis in India”.
- Presented a paper titled, ‘LARR 2014- What Does It Deliver?’ at the ‘Conference on the Land Questions in Neo-Liberal India’ organized by the Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla from 9 -11 Oct. 2017.
- Presented a Paper titled, ‘The Changing Nature of Political Economy of Land Acquisition in India: Need for A Shift in Discourse’ held from 17 March 2017 to 18 March 2017 at the Prague Conference on Political Economy held at the Cervo Institute, Prague.
- Presented a paper titled, ‘Globalization and Governance: Village Level Evidence from Maharashtra, India’, at the 19th National Conference of Input-Output Research Association of India held at the Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics on 11- 12 Jan. 2017.
- Presented a paper titled, “Land Acquisition: Need for a Shift in Discourse”, at the Department of Politics and Public Administration, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune in the National Seminar on Interrogating Democracy: Indian and Global Perspectives, held during 23-24 Nov. 2016
- Presented a paper titled, “Political Economy of Land Acquisition: How a Village stops being one” at the CESP_-Exim Bank Seminar at Jawaharlal Nehru University on 5 May 2016.
- Presented a paper (jointly) titled, ‘What does Poverty Mean to the Poor: Some Reflections Based on Case Studies in Pune’, in the National Seminar on Poverty, Inequality and Health in India with special reference to North-East India, organized by Dept. of Economics, NEHU, Shillong in collaboration with ISI, Kolkata and Nabard during 8-10 Oct. 2015.
- Presented an outline of the project in a workshop held specifically for this purpose on the topic “Land acquisition Issues: a case Study of Maan Village, Maharashtra’ on the research project by the same title, supported by the Centre for Social Sciences and Humanities, under UPE II. The invited expert was Prof. Sudha Pai, Rector and Prof., Dept. of Political Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, N. Delhi., on 6 Feb. 2015.
- Gave a presentation at the Indian School of Political Economy in the two-day workshop on “dynamics of Industrial Location: Trends, Concerns and Challenges on 7-8 Nov. 2015.
Presented a Seminar at the Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics, on 26 Sep. 2015 the topic “Economic Impact of Land Acquisition in Maan”. - Presented a Paper titled, “Financial Inclusion and Microfinance: Road to the better enhancement of Credit Delivery Systems” at the 2nd International Workshop on Inclusive Finance, at XLRI, Jamshedpur, Sep. 13-15 2013.
- Presented a paper titled, ‘Impact of Trade Policies on Indian Economy: An Input-Output Analysis’ at XVI International Conference of Input-Output Research Association, Pune India from 6-8 March 2012.
- Presented a paper titled, “The State and Land in India’ at the National Seminar titled, ‘Interrogating the Indian State’ organized by the Political Science Dept., the University of Pune from 24-25 Feb 2012.
- Presented a Seminar at the Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics, on 9 Sep. 2011. Title of the paper, ‘Issues related to Land Acquisition in India”.
- Presented a paper titled, ‘Cooperation in the Time of Globalization: A Case Study of Grape-Exporting Cooperative in India’ at the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA) Global Research Conference 2011: New Opportunities for Cooperatives, from 24-26 Aug. 2011 in Mikkeli, Finland.
- Presented a paper titled, ‘Does having a Female Sarpanch Help the Women? A Village Level Study of Availability of Services in Maharashtra, India’ in the Conference on Maharashtra Economy at 50 – Development Issues and Policy Priorities, held by MEDC in Mumbai on 8 March 2011.
- Paper titled ‘Does Governance Improve with Globalization? A Case Study of Village Level Institutions in Maharashtra, India’ was presented at the International Conference on Business and Economics held at the American College of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece from 6 May to 8 May 2010.
- Paper presented at University of Tuebingen, Germany on 21 April 2008. The title ‘Does Governance Improve with Globalization? A Case Study of Village Level Institutions in Maharashtra, India’.
- Paper presented at University of Gottingen, Germany on 15 April 2008. Title, ‘Does Governance Improve with Globalization? A Case Study of Village Level Institutions in Maharashtra, India. ‘.
- Paper presented at the All-China Economics Conference held in City University of Hong Kong on 12 Dec.2007- 15 Dec. 2007. Title, ‘Globalization and Governance: A Case Study of Village Level Institutions in India’.
- Paper presented at the 16th International Input-Output Conference held in Istanbul on 2 July- 6 July 2007. Title, ‘Structural Change in the Indian Economy: Some Evidence from the Pre-Reform Period’.
- Paper presented at a Seminar held by NCAS, on ‘Globalization and the Panchayati Raj Institutions: A Case Study of Maharashtra’, in Delhi on 21-23 Nov. 2006.
- Paper presented at a Seminar on “The State of the Indian Farmer in the Millennium”
organized by the Institute of Social and Economic Change, on 30-31 Jan. 2002 at Bangalore. - Paper presented at the Center for Studies in Economics and Planning, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi in Oct. 1998. Title: Structural Change in the Indian Economy: The Role of Foreign Trade.
- Paper presented at the National Institute of Bank Management at a Conference On South-East Asian Crisis held in Feb. 1998. Title: South-East Asian Crisis and Its Implications for the Indian Economy.
- Paper presented at the Second South and South-East Asia Econometric Conference held in 1996, Delhi School of Economics. Title: Balanced Growth and Foreign Trade.
- Paper presented at the Eleventh International Input-output Conference 1995. Title: Treatment of Imports and the Role of Imports in the Indian Economy.
- Paper presented at the Indian Econometric Conference 1995. Title: Import Intensity of India’s Exports: Some Fresh Evidence
- Paper presented at the National Workshop on the Implications of GATT-94 for the Indian SMEs, organised by Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India in Nov. 1994. Title: Implications of the Dunkel Draft for Export Promotion Policies of India: A Specific Study of Export Finance.
- Paper presented at the “Seminar on Banking and Monetary Policy Issues in India in Deregulated Environment of the 1990s” held at the National Institute of Bank Management, Pune in March 1993. Title: Financial Sector in the Indian Economy: An Input-Output Analysis.
- Paper titled ‘Advantage from Trade: An Input-Output Approach” was accepted for the Indian Econometric Conference 1992, Kanpur.
Paper presented at the EXIM Bank of India, in a half-day seminar in Jan. 1991. Topic: Import Intensities of Indian Exports.
News articles
- Article published in The Indian Express, 9 Feb. 2022. Title, “The Solitude of Lata Mangeshkar”.
- Article published in The Indian Express, 10 June 2021. Title, “Shocked and Awed”.
- Article published in The Indian Express, 21 Dec. 2020. Title, “The Missing Second Revolution”.
- Article published in The Indian Express, 4 Aug. 2020. Title, “Lip Service to Bhasha”.
- Article published in The Indian Express, 14 June 2020. Title, “Not to the Manor Born”.
- Article published in The Indian Express, 28 May 2020. Title, “Bringing the Focus Back to the Informal Sector” (jointly written).
- Article published in The Indian Express, 8 June 2019. Title, “It’s Politics, Stupid”.
- Article published in The Hindu, 22 Nov. 2016. Title, “The Buck Stops with the States’.
- Article in the Indian Express, 24 July 2015. Title, “In the States’ Court’.
- Article in the Indian Express, 31 March 2015. Title, “What the States got Right”.
- Article in The Economic Times, Oct. 23, 2012. Title, “A Better Policy for Land”.
- Article published by Monthly Economic Digest, July 2011. Title, “Rising Food Prices and the Poor’ (jointly written).
- Article in The MEDC Economic Digest, Dec. 2008. Title, ‘The Story of Changing Concerns in India’.
- Article in The Economic Times, Feb. 15 2008. Title ’Amchi Mumbai and the Migrants’
- Article in The Economic Times, Oct. 17 2007. The title’ When Farmers Form a Company’
- Article in The Indian Express, Aug.6, 2007. Title, ‘Talking Headscarves in Turkey’.
- Article published by The Indian Express, June 18, 2007. Title, ‘Making the World Work for Us’.
- Article published by The Economic Times, Feb. 19, 2007. Title, ‘Getting the Pulse Right’.
- Article published by The Economic Times, Sep.22, 2006. Title, ‘Food Imports need not be Anathema”
- Article published by the Sunday Times of India, May 7, 2006. Title, ‘One for Jane’.
- Article published by the Indian Express, Sep. 27, 2005. Title ‘Midday Meals: What’s Cooking?
- Article published by The Hindu Business Line, Sep. 28, 2005. The title “Why Agro-trade is key to Agriculture”.
- Article published by the Indian Express, Nov.2 2004. The title ‘Education, for itself’.
- Article published in Maharashtra Herald, July 9, 2004. The title is “A Bonanza for the Farmers”.
- Article published by The Hindu Business Line, March 20, 2003. Title “Little Incentive to Reduce Fiscal Deficit: Digging Holes and Filling Them up”.
- Article published by The Hindu Business Line, May 10, 2001. The title “Coming to terms with Trade”
- Article published by The Hindu Business Line, Dec.21 2000. The title “Providing Social Services: Whose Responsibility is it?”
- Article published by Economic Times, July 14, 1995. The title is “Developing an Even Economy”.
- Article published by Sunday Review, April 19, 1987. The article was on Simone de Beauvoir.
Articles in Marathi/Hindi
- Article published by ‘Loksatta’ on 14 Aug. 2019 titled, ‘Vikasit Zamin Havi, Fakt Rojgar Navhe’.
- Article published by Sakal on 9 May 2018 titled, ‘Aadhigrahan ani ‘Maan’ chi Manas’.
- Book Review in Marathi titled, “JatvastvashaShastriyaAbhyas”, on the book titled, ‘The Grammar of Caste’, by A. Deshpande, in Sunday Sakal, 29 July 2012.
- Article titled, ‘Agri-Trade in the Decade of Liberalization (I and II))’ published in CITA Sharad Krishi, Oct 2006 and Nov. 2006 (jointly written).
- Article titled ‘Economic Development and Political Democracy’ (translated from English to Marathi) published by SamajPrabodhenPatrika, July 2000.
- Article published by Manoos, August 1991, titled “Ordinance Raj in Bihar”.
- Article published by Vanasthali, August 1989, titled “About Democratic Tradition”.
- Article published by Vanasthali, a journal published for the Balwaadi teachers in May 1988, on India’s Budget.
Membership & Recognition
- Fulbright Senior Research Fellowship (2012-13): I was associated with the Graduate Centre, City University of New York. The topic of research was “Land Acquisition for Development: A study of Compensation Issues in the US from an Indian Perspective”.
- University Grants Commission Junior/Senior Research Fellowship (1985)
- Open Merit Scholarship during graduation (B.A. 1977-1980)
- Member of the International Input-Output Organization.
- Member of Board of Studies, member of Integrity Panel, University of Mumbai, Mumbai.
- Member of Academic Council, IQAC, Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics, Pune.
- Member of Academic Council, Dept. of Economics, University of Goa.
Referee work
- PhD referee for CESP, JNU, New Delhi, IIT, Mumbai, ISEC, Banglore; Mysore University; University of Hyderabad.
- Journal of Foreign Exchange and International Finance
- Prajnan
- Journal of Indian School of Political Economy
- ArthaVijnana
Subject Expert/Examiner
- Reserve Bank of India B-Grade Officers Exam in Feb 2006
- Set Exams for the Maharashtra State from 2001 to 20011
- Member of Faculty Selection Panel at the IIM, Kozhikode in 2006
- NET examiner April 2011