
K. C. Thaware

K. C. Thaware



Ph.D., University of Nagpur

Specialization : Financial Institution, Forestry Economics, Co-operation




206, New Academic Block Ext: 383


Thaware has done research projects on a variety of topics. The projects were sponsored by the central government, the University Grants Commission, the ICSSR, NABARD, and the Government of Maharashtra. His areas of research are social issues and problems, environmental economics, forest management, financial institutions and markets, cooperatives, and labour economics. He is an environmental educator and works closely with many non-governmental organisations working in the area of conservation. He monitors the poverty issue in India and wants to work in this area too. He plans to write books on environmental issues, and poverty in India.

Books and book chapters

Books Published  

  1. Thaware, Kailas C (2017), Development of Scheduled Castes and Tribes in Modern India: Struggle for Rights and Socioeconomic Status, Published by LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany, Jul 2017, ISBN 10: 3330332514 ISBN 13: 9783330332515. 
  2. Thaware, Kailas C (2017), Logic of Poverty- An Investigation (forthcoming)

Papers In Edited Books With Peer Review Process

  1. Thaware, Kailas C (2011), Education and Underprivileged People in India, in Prof. S.N. Tripathi, Education for the Excluded Children (pp. 93-129), New Delhi: Abhijeet Publication. ISBN 978-93-8113634-8.
  2. Thaware, Kailas C and Ratha, A (2011), Education: Affirmative Action in India and the United States, in Prof. S.N. Tripathi, Education for the Excluded Children (pp. 148-195), New Delhi: Abhijeet Publication. ISBN 978-93-8113634-8
  3. Thaware, Kailas C (2011), Right to Employment and Employment Guarantee in Maharashtra, in Prof. K.K. Bagchi, Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) As for the right to Employment, (pp.219-238), New Delhi: Abhijeet Publication. ISBN 978-93-81136-35-5.
  4. Thaware, Kailas C (2012), Management of Common Natural Resources: Issues of Governance, Environment and Tragedy, in Prof. Rajkumar Sen, Forest Management and Sustainable Development, (pp. 44-56) published on behalf of Centre for Studies on Environment and Sustainable Development (CSESD), Rabindra Bharati University, Kolkata,  New Delhi: Deep and Deep Publication. ISBN 978-81-8450-426-2.
  5. Thaware, Kailas C (2013), Inter-state Migration in India: Nature, Causes and Consequences, in Prof. K.K. Bagchi, Internal Migration in India (Vol. II. pp. 372-393), New Delhi: Abhijeet Publication. ISBN 978-93-5074-042-2. (Vol. II)
  6. Thaware, Kailas C (2013), Impact of Urbanization on Information Sector Migration, in Dr S. Prakasam, Informal Employment in India (Pp.104-127), New Delhi: Bookwell Publication. ISBN 978-81-92102-36-8.
  7. Thaware, Kailas C (2013), Urban Poverty and Slums in India, in Prof. Kalpana Markandey, Srinagesh and Ashok Kumar Lonavath, Challenges of Urbanization in the 21st Century (vol. 5 pp. 162-175), on behalf of 11th Asian Urbanization Conference, Osmania University, Hyderabad, Concept Publishing Company.  ISBN-13: 978-81-8069-952-8 (Vol.5).
  8. Thaware, Kailas C (2013), Changing Consumption Pattern and Sustainable Development: Issues and Challenges, in Anil Thakur and Dalip Kumar,  Sustainable Development in India: Issues and Approaches (pp. 3-19), Published on behalf of Indian Economic Association, New Delhi:  Regal Publication. ISBN 978-81-8484-210-4.
  9. Thaware, Kailas C (2014), Sectoral Economic Growth Pattern and Structural
    Employment Generation, in Anil Kumar Thakur  /   Bharti Pandey, Structural Changes in Employment Generation,  New Approaches, Published on behalf of Indian Economic Association, New Delhi:  Regal Publication. Pp. 62-77, ISBN-(10): 8184843461ISBN-(13): 9788184843460
  10. Thaware, Kailas C (2016), Impact of anti-poverty programmes on poor households, in the edited book under the title “Fighting Poverty in India” edited by B.P. Chandramohan and Pushpa Kumari, pp. 179-196, Published on behalf of Indian Economic Association, New Delhi: Regal Publications. ISBN 10: 8184845871 ISBN 13: 9788184845877.

Book reviews

  1. “Banking Lokpal- A Third Empire” Written By Shyam Lal Gaur, Artha Vijanana, Vol. Xlv, Nos. 1 & 2, June 2003, Pp.140-143.
  2. “Financial Crisis And Stability In A Global Economy,” Written By Dr. M.A. Patel For Artha Vijanana, Journal Of Gokhale Institute. Vol. no. XLVI Nos1-2, March-June 2004.
  3. “Shelter Security in Urban India  Pathways, Barriers and Outcomes” written by Darshini Mahadevia, Concept Publishing,  New Delhi, 2015, Artha Vijanana, Vol. LVIII, No. 2, June 2016 pp.198-199.

Journal publications

In Journals with peer-review

  1. Benjamin, N and Thaware, Kailas C (2004) “Nagpur: City of Oranges and More,” One India One People, Vol. 7/12, July 2004, Pp. 25-36.
  2. Thaware, Kailas C (2004) “Monopoly Procurement Scheme: A Study In Tribal Maharashtra”, Economic And Political Weekly, Vol. Xxxix, No.49, December 4-10, 2004, Pp. 5208-5211.  ISSN00129976.
  3. Thaware, Kailas C (2011), Goat Marketing: Channels and Constraints in Maharashtra, Artha Vijnana, Journal of Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics, Pune, Vol. LIII., No.2, June 2011, Pp. 182-192. ISSN 0971-586 X.
  4. Thaware, Kailas C (2012), Sectoral Economic Growth Pattern and Structural Employment Generation, Special Issue (Dec. 2012)- Employment Pattern: Structural, Regional, and Social Groups, (Pp. 47-57), The Indian Economic Journal, The Journal of Indian Economic Association. ISSN 0019-4662.
  5. Thaware, Kailas C (2013), Unorganised Sector and Social Protection Policy in India, The Indian Economic Journal, Special Issue Dec. 2013, pp. 244-254, The Journal of Indian Economic Association. ISSN 0019-4662
  6. Thaware, Kailas C (2014), Impact Of Revival Package On Short-Term Rural Cooperative Credit Structure (Stccs) In India, Artha Vijnana, refereed Journal of Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics, Pune.Vol. LVI, No.2, June 2014, pp.221-234. ISSN 0971-586 X.
  7. Thaware, Kailas C (2016),   Limitations and Data Gaps at Village and Block Levels on Welfare Schemes of Rural Poor Households, Artha Vijnana, refereed Journal of Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics, Pune.Vol. LVIII, No.3, September 2016, pp.249-260. ISSN 0971-586 X.
  8. Thaware, Kailas C (2018), Challenges of natural resources management in India: Is it institutional Failure?, Environment Conservation Journal 19 (3) 107-117, 2018, ISSN 0972-3099 (Print) 2278-5124 (Online)
  9. Mahindra Wardhalwar, and Kailas Thaware (2021), Quality Education and Learning Outcome of Tribal Students: Evidence from Gadchiroli District of Maharashtra, Vol. XXXV, No. 4, October 2021.

In Journals without peer-review

  1. Thaware, Kailas C (2014), special article “Revival Package And Progress Of Short-Term Rural Cooperative Institutions”, NAFSCOB Journal, Mumbai (Special Journal of NAFSCOB), pp 1-16, Vol.4, issue-2, April-June 2014.

Completed studies

In Journals with peer-review

  1. Benjamin, N and Thaware, Kailas C (2004) “Nagpur: City of Oranges and More,” One India One People, Vol. 7/12, July 2004, Pp. 25-36.
  2. Thaware, Kailas C (2004) “Monopoly Procurement Scheme: A Study In Tribal Maharashtra”, Economic And Political Weekly, Vol. Xxxix, No.49, December 4-10, 2004, Pp. 5208-5211.  ISSN00129976.
  3. Thaware, Kailas C (2011), Goat Marketing: Channels and Constraints in Maharashtra, Artha Vijnana, Journal of Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics, Pune, Vol. LIII., No.2, June 2011, Pp. 182-192. ISSN 0971-586 X.
  4. Thaware, Kailas C (2012), Sectoral Economic Growth Pattern and Structural Employment Generation, Special Issue (Dec. 2012)- Employment Pattern: Structural, Regional, and Social Groups, (Pp. 47-57), The Indian Economic Journal, The Journal of Indian Economic Association. ISSN 0019-4662.
  5. Thaware, Kailas C (2013), Unorganised Sector and Social Protection Policy in India, The Indian Economic Journal, Special Issue Dec. 2013, pp. 244-254, The Journal of Indian Economic Association. ISSN 0019-4662
  6. Thaware, Kailas C (2014), Impact Of Revival Package On Short-Term Rural Cooperative Credit Structure (Stccs) In India, Artha Vijnana, refereed Journal of Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics, Pune.Vol. LVI, No.2, June 2014, pp.221-234. ISSN 0971-586 X.
  7. Thaware, Kailas C (2016),   Limitations and Data Gaps at Village and Block Levels on Welfare Schemes of Rural Poor Households, Artha Vijnana, refereed Journal of Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics, Pune.Vol. LVIII, No.3, September 2016, pp.249-260. ISSN 0971-586 X.
  8. Thaware, Kailas C (2018), Challenges of natural resources management in India: Is it institutional Failure?, Environment Conservation Journal 19 (3) 107-117, 2018, ISSN 0972-3099 (Print) 2278-5124 (Online)
  9. Mahindra Wardhalwar, and Kailas Thaware (2021), Quality Education and Learning Outcome of Tribal Students: Evidence from Gadchiroli District of Maharashtra, Vol. XXXV, No. 4, October 2021.

In Journals without peer-review

  1. Thaware, Kailas C (2014), special article “Revival Package And Progress Of Short-Term Rural Cooperative Institutions”, NAFSCOB Journal, Mumbai (Special Journal of NAFSCOB), pp 1-16, Vol.4, issue-2, April-June 2014.

Completed studies

  1. Ghate Rucha, Alka Chaturvedi, Prakash Bobde, Vinayak Deshpande, Mohan Kashikar, Kishor Mahabal, Shree Bahgwan, Kailas Thaware, Phani Kumar (2001), Institutional Arrangements Of Two Successful Self-Initiated Attempts In Forest Management In Maharashtra, India, Sponsored by IFRI, Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis, Indiana University, Bloomington, USA
  2. Thaware, Kailas C (2010), “Market Access And Constraints In Goat Marketing And Their Products In Maharashtra State”, sponsored by Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India
  3. Thaware, Kailas C (2012), “Poverty Diagnostic in Maharashtra State”, sponsored by Department of Rural Development, (Maharashtra Rural Livelihood Mission), Govt. of Maharashtra State.
  4. Sadolikar, P and Thaware, Kailas C (2013), Impact Assessment of the Implementation of the Revival Package for Short Term Co-operative Credit Structure (STCCS) in Maharashtra, sponsored by National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD), Mumbai.
  5. Thaware, Kailas C and Shaktivel, P (2013), Impact Assessment of the Implementation of the Revival Package for Short Term Co-operative Credit Structure (STCCS) in Tamil Nadu, sponsored by National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD), Mumbai.
  6. Thaware, Kailas C (2013), Impact Assessment of the Implementation of the Revival Package for Short Term Co-operative Credit Structure (STCCS) in Bihar, sponsored by National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD), Mumbai.
  7. Thaware, Kailas C (2013), Impact Assessment of the Implementation of the Revival Package for Short Term Co-operative Credit Structure (STCCS) in Karnataka, sponsored by National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD), Mumbai.
  8. Thaware, Kailas C (2013), Impact Assessment of the Implementation of the Revival Package for Short Term Co-operative Credit Structure (STCCS) in Andhra Pradesh, sponsored by National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD), Mumbai.
  9. Thaware, Kailas C (2014), Consolidated report on  Impact Assessment of the Implementation of the Revival Package for Short Term Co-operative Credit Structure (STCCS) in FIVE STATES, sponsored by National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD), Mumbai.
  10. Thaware, Kailas C (2015), “Impact of Developmental Schemes on The Underprivileged Sections of Society in Maharashtra State”, sponsored by the University Grants Commission (UGC), New Delhi.
  11. Thaware, Kailas C (2020), Illegal Mineral Resources Extraction And Impact On Biodiversity In Indian States, Project sponsored by Indian Council of Social Sciences Research (ICSSR), New Delhi

Papers presented

International Conferences

  1. Participated and presented a paper on “Sustainable Development and Poor People (A Case of India) organized by Indira Gandhi National Open University, New  Delhi during March 26-28, 2008
  2. Participated and presented a paper entitled “MANAGEMENT OF COMMON NATURAL RESOURCES: ISSUES OF GOVERNANCE, ENVIRONMENT, AND TRAGEDY” organized by Rabindra Bharati University, Kolkata during 27-28 February (Sat-Sun), 2010.
  3. Participated and presented a paper at International Conference on “Infrastructure Finance (ICIF 2010) held on June 03-05, 2010 by IIT Kharagpur, a paper entitled “ Issues and problems of Infrastructure Finance in India”
  4. Participated and presented a paper entitled “POVERTY AND MIGRATION IN INDIA: A STUDY OF LINKAGES AND IMPACT  accepted for presentation at 16th World Congress of International Economic Association, Tsinghua University, Beijing, CHINA,  during 4-8 July 2011.
  5. Participated and presented a paper entitled URBAN POVERTY AND SLUMS IN INDIA: LINKAGES, IMPACT, AND PLANNING accepted for presentation at The 11th Asian Urbanization ConferenceDepartment of Geography, Osmania University, Hyderabad, in association with Asian Urban Research Association (AURA) during December 10th  to December 13th, 2011.
  6. Participated and presented a paper on “Regional Disparity in Maharashtra” at the 16th International Conference of Input-Out Research Association, organized by Gokhale Institute Of Politics And Economics, Pune during March 6-8, 2012.
  7. Paper Accepted and presented at 14th International Japan Economic Policy Association (JEPA-15) entitled “CHALLENGES OF NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT IN INDIA: IS IT INSTITUTIONAL FAILURE” organized on 7th and 8th November 2015 at Toyo University, Tokyo, Japan.

National Conferences/Seminars

  1. Participated and presented a paper on “ Ambedkar’s Economic Vision and The present status of the Weaker section in India during 27-28,  2009, organized by Dr Ambedkar Chair, Babasaheb Ambedkar National Institute of Social Sciences, Mhow, (M.P.)
  2. The paper entitled “ RIGHT TO EMPLOYMENT: OBLIGATIONS, IMPLEMENTATION, AND PROBLEMS  (‘NREGA’ IN YAVATAMAL DISTRICT OF MAHARASHTRA presented at the 51st Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Labour Economics (ISLE) 11-13, Dec 2009 in Punjabi University, Patiala.
  3. The paper entitled “ PROBLEMS OF MARGINALIZED SMALL PRODUCERS, SMALL PEASANTS, AND ARTISAN IN INDIA” was presented at XXXIII INDIAN SOCIAL SCIENCE CONGRESS CONFERENCE at  Dr Ambedkar Open  University, Hyderabad organized by INDIAN ACADEMY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES during (January 20-24), 2010.
  4. The paper entitled “INTER-STATES MIGRATION: CAUSES AND CONSEQUENCES presented at the 52nd Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Labour Economics (ISLE) at Dharwad University, Karnataka. 15th December 2010 to 20th December 2010
  5. The paper entitled CHANGING CONSUMPTION PATTERN AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: ISSUES AND CHALLENGES were presented at the 93rd Indian Economic Association Conference, Punjab University, Chandigarh from December 27th  to 29th, 2010.
  6. The paper entitled “INFORMAL SECTOR AND SOCIAL PROTECTION” at 53rd Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Labour Economics (ISLE) 17-19 December 2011 at Udaipur University, Rajasthan.
  7. The paper entitled EDUCATION AND SKILL DEVELOPMENT: (ACCESS, QUALITY, AND INCLUSIVE GROWTH), presented at 94th Indian Economic Association Conference, at Bharati Vidyapeeth University, Pune., during 27-29 December 2011.
  8. Participated and Presented a paper entitled “EFFICACY OF LABOUR LAWS AND LABOUR RIGHTS IN CONSTRUCTION SECTOR”, at the 54th ISLE Conference, BHU, Varanasi December 20-22, 2012.
  9. Participated and Presented a paper entitled “Changing Rural Employment Structure and Patterns in India”, at 55th ISLE Conference, JNU, December 16-18, 2013.
  10. Paper accepted for a presentation entitled “UNORGANIZED SECTOR AND SOCIAL PROTECTION POLICY IN INDIA”, at THE INDIAN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION’s 96th Annual Conference held in Meenakshi University, Chennai during 27-29 December 2013.
  11. Paper accepted and presented entitled “SOCIO-ECONOMIC IMPACT OF MAHATMA GANDHI NATIONAL RURAL EMPLOYMENT GUARANTEE ON LIVELIHOODS (Reference to Yavatmal District of Maharashtra) at 57th  Annual Conference of INDIAN SOCIETY OF LABOUR ECONOMICS during 10-12 October 2015, in Central University of Kashmir, Srinagar, and S. K. University of Agricultural Sciences & Technology, Kashmir.
  12. Paper accepted and presented entitled “Labour Market Institutions, Regulations, and Employment, at 58th  Annual Conference of INDIAN SOCIETY OF LABOUR ECONOMICS during 24-26 November 2016, at IIT, Guwahati, Assam.
  13. Paper accepted and presented entitled “POOR HOUSEHOLDS AND SOCIAL SECURITY IN INDIA: AN INVESTIGATION “ at The 18th Annual Conference of the Indian Association of Social Science Institutions was held during 4-5 December 2017 at the Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh.
  14. Paper accepted and presented entitled “Informality of Labour Market” at The 59th ISLE Annual Conference at Gulati Institute of Finance and Taxation (GIFT) Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, during 16-18 December 2017.
  15. Paper accepted and presented entitled “SOCIAL SECURITY AND INFORMAL SECTOR” at 100th Annual Conference of the Indian Economic Association during  27th – 30th December 2017 at  Acharya Nagarjuna University, Nagarjuna Nagar, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh.


  • Member, Finance Committee, GIPE (from November 1, 2009, to October 31, 2012) by letter dated 30 December 2009.
  • Member Standing Committee on SCs and STs from (May 29, 2009, to May 28, 2011), by letter dated 30 September 2009 and invitee, SC/ST Standing Committee, GIPE.
  • A Member, Library Standing Committee (from 4 Sept 2009 to 3 Sept 2011) by letter dated 12 October 2010.
  • A member, Review API Committee, GIPE (by letter dated 15 Feb. 2011)
  • A Member, Committee on Gratuity Review, and Review Committee on PF Transfer to PF Organization. (by letter December 6, 2011).
  • Member, Board of Management of GIPE from December 8, 2009, to December 2011), but discontinued from 18 November 2010 by changing of the cadre.
  • Member, Internal Quality Assurance Cell, from 24/08 2009 to 23/08/2011 by letter dated 24 August 2009 and re-nominated again from 24/08/2011 to 23/08/2013 by letter dated 19 August 2011.
  • Member, Academic Council, GIPE from 15 December 2011 to 14 December 2013 by letter dated 14 December 2011and from 1/12/2016 to 30/11/2018 by letter dated 02/012/16.
  • Member, Board of Studies, GIPE during 2014-continue.
  • Member, Academic Council, GIPE during 2014-continue
  • Member, Core Team of NRLM, Govt. of Maharashtra by letter dated 30 June 2011.
  • Member, Advisory Board/ Thematic expert group, Maharashtra Rural Livelihood Mission, (Govt. of Maharashtra) by letter dated 25/04/2012.
  • Member, Governing Body, under the Minister for Rural Development Department (Govt. of Maharashtra), Maharashtra Rural Livelihood Mission by letter dated 19 October 2012.
  • Member, General Body, under Chief Minister (Govt. of Maharashtra), Maharashtra Rural Livelihood Mission. By letter dated 23/04/2012.
  • Member, Editorial Board, Artha Vijanana, Journal of GIPE.