Seminar Series
Seminar by Dr Srinivasan Murali

Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics is hosting a seminar on Wednesday, 10 April 2024 by Dr Srinivasan Murali, Assistant Professor at IIM Bangalore as our special guest for the session. The topic of his lecture is Gender Gap and Decline in Female Labour Force Participation in India: A Joint Search Perspective.
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Date: April 10, 2024
Time: 05:00 PM Onwards
Venue: New Seminar Hall, Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics, Pune
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Abstract of the talk:
India, on top of having a large gender gap in the labour force participation, also experienced a significant decline in participation rate of women in the recent years. In order to understand, and to decompose the gender gap and the decline in female labour force participation into demand and supply side factors, we present an equilibrium joint search model of couples with gender-specific wage offers and home productivities. In this heterogeneous agents setup, our counterfactual exercises show that, gender disparities in labour demand can account for only 6.4% of the level difference, while the differential trends in labour demand can explain around 35% of the decline in female participation over time. We find that the increase in average household income driven by a large increase in male wages compared to female wages, reduced the need for women to supplement the family income, in turn causing them to drop out of the labour force.