
Amruta Suryavanshi

Amruta Suryavanshi

Assistant Professor


PhD Economics (Solapur University), M.A. Economics (Savitribai Phule Pune University), SET

Specialization : Agricultural Economics, Public Economics




111, UGC Building Ext: 322


Amruta has been associated with Gokhale Institute for the last 12 years. She completed her post-graduation in Economics from Gokhale in 2013, and later in 2015, joined this Institute as an Assistant Professor. She teaches students in the academic programs of M.A. Economics and M.Sc. Agri-Business Economics. Her areas of interest are development economics, mathematical economics, and public economics.

Research articles

  1. ‘Inter-district Disparities in Human Development,’ a research paper accepted for publication in an international conference on sustainable development and education organised by Central University of Kerala.
  2. ‘Analytical Study of Human Development in India’, a research paper published in SJIF indexed journal entitled Current Global Reviewer, Special Issue 22, Volume 1, February 2020, ISSN – 2319-8648
  3. Farmers’ Indebtedness and Agrarian Distress in India and Maharashtra’, a chapter contributed in book entitled Policy Approaches, Development and State Response to Agrarian Crisis and Farmers’ Distress, published by Bookwell Publishers, Delhi, ISBN 978-93-86578-32-7.
  4. ‘Fertiliser Policy of India: Retrospect and prospect’, a research paper contributed to the 100th Annual Conference of The Indian Economic Association held on 27-30 December 2017.
  5. ‘Farmers’ Suicides in India and Maharashtra’, a research paper published in Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies, Volume-6, Issue-27 and pp.77-81, ISSN No: 2319-4766.
  6. ‘Analysis of declining share of agriculture in GDP’, a research paper contributed to the 99th Annual Conference of The Indian Economic Association held during 27-29 December 2016.
  7. ‘Sustainable Agriculture in Maharashtra – A Case Study of Satara District’, a research paper published in Journal of Advances in Economics and Business Management, Volume-3, Issue-5 and pp. 426-429 bearing ISSN No: 2394-1545.
  8. ‘National Food Security Act-2013’ a research paper published in the journal entitled Arthavani, ISBN No: 978-93-5240-042-3, pp. 88-90.
  9. ‘A Sketch of Green Banking in India’, a research paper presented in the International Conference organised by Rani Channamma University, Belgaum, held on 12-13 Feb.2016 and published in the souvenir entitled “Green banking for green industry and green economy” bearing ISBN No: 978-93-84935-71-9, pp. 35-37.
  10. ‘Infrastructure in Maharashtra’, a research paper presented in 25th Annual State level Conference of Shivaji University Economics Association Kolhapur held on 10 -11 Jan.2015 and published in the souvenir entitled “Shivartha” bearing ISBN No: 978-81- 925021-3-7, pp. 203-209
  11. ‘Economic Aspects of Sustainable Development in India’, a research paper presented in the National Conference organised by D.A.V. Arts and Science College, Solapur held on 19-20 Sept 2014 and published the souvenir entitled “Sustainable Development in India” bearing ISBN No: 978-0-9921545-9-2, pp. 31-35.

News articles

  1. “Serious drought situation in Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat,” Hindustan Times, English, 01/02/2019
  2. “Burning oil and melting rupee, Lokjagar, Marathi, 14/09/2018
  3. “Farmers Suicides,” Lokjagar, Marathi, 6-5-2016

Projects completed

  1. “A village survey – Gulumb, Dist. Satara”, Assigned by Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare from Nov. 2019 to Jan. 2021.
  2. “Performance Evaluation of Consumer Cooperative Store: a case study of Shivshankar Bazar, Akluj” during Nov 2010 – Jan 2011 as project work for Graduation.
  3. “Insourcing of Outsourcing” as a part of the Master’s Thesis from June 2012 to April 2013.