
Nanaji Shewale

Nanaji Shewale




Specialization : Library Science




DR Gadgil Library Ext: 370


Shewale completed his Bachelors in Library and Information Sciences from Nashik in 1993, and his Advanced Diploma in Information Sciences from DRTC, ISI, Bangalore in 1996. His PhD topic was ‘Compatibility Study of AACR2, MARC21 and WINISIS’, and he completed it at Savitribai Phule Pune University in 2004.

He started his career as the Assistant Librarian at British Library, Bangalore. Presently, he is working as Librarian at the D R Gadgil Library, Gokhale Institute, Pune since 2009. At Gokhale, he has completed the digitisation of the library and developed the digital library DSpace.

He has authored two books, edited nine books, and contributed over 30 articles to various national and international journals and conferences. He is the recipient of the Best Librarian Award from Pune Nagar Vachan Mandir. He is an invited member of the Automation and Digital Library Committee of the Directorate of Public Libraries, Government of Maharashtra.

He is a Member of the Board of Studies at the SPPU and Garware College for the Library and Information Sciences. He has completed eight research projects for Max Weber Stiftung, University of Göttingen (Germany), Naval Postgraduate School, California (USA) and Warwick University (UK). He has guided two PhD and three M.Phil. scholars.

Journal article

  1. Shewale, Nanaji (2019). Content analysis of the Artha Vijnana Journal Articles from 1969-1978. RBU Journal of Library and Information Science. Vol. 21. 2019. 47-55 pp. ISSN: 0972-2750. UGC Care enlisted Peer Reviewed Journal.
  2. Shewale, Nanaji and Sonwane, Shashank S (2018). Content analysis of the first decade of the journal Artha Vijnana (1959 – 1968). RBU Journal of Library and Information Science.
  3. Shewale, Nanaji (2017). A study of AACR2R Rules for the Edition in the Edition Statement area given MARC21 (Machine Readable Cataloguing). Knowledge Librarian: An International Peer Reviewed Bilingual E-Journal of Library and Information Science. Knowledge Librarian.” Knowledge Librarian: An International Peer Reviewed Bilingual E-Journal of Library and Information Science. Volume: 04, No: 04. July – August 2017.
  4. Kulkarni, Shirish and Shewale, Nanaji (2017). Library Automation and the Open Source Software: A Review of Literature. In: e-Library Science Research Journal. Vol. 5, Issue (9). July 2017. 1- 10 p.
  5. Shewale, Nanaji (2016). A study of AACR2R rules for the Edition in the Edition Statement area given MARC21 (Machine Readable Cataloguing) Knowledge Librarian.” Knowledge Librarian: An International Peer Reviewed Bilingual E-Journal of Library and Information Science. Volume: 03, No: 06 Nov. –Dec. 2016. pp. 70-80.
  6. Ahire, Subhash and Shewale, Nanaji. (2016). Information Communication Technology (ICT) Skills for Library and Information Science (LIS) Professionals. Knowledge Librarian.” Knowledge Librarian: An International Peer Reviewed Bilingual E-Journal of Library and Information Science. Volume: 03, No: 06 Nov. –Dec. 2016. pp. 70-80.
  7. Ahire, Subhash and Shewale, Nanaji. (2016). “ICT literacy and skill competency among library professionals: An overview”. Knowledge Librarian: An International Peer Reviewed Bilingual E-Journal of Library and Information Science. Volume: 03, No: 05, Sept. – Oct. 2016. pp. 174-185.
  8. Shewale, Nanaji (2016). MARC21 (Machine Readable Cataloguing for 21st Century): An introduction. Review of Research. Vol. 5, Issue 6. March 2016. 1 – 7 p.
  9. Shewale, Nanaji (2016). Analytical study of ‘Title Statement – 245’ in MARC21 and its interpretation with AACR2R Rules. Research Directions. Vol. 3, Issue 7, January 2016. 25 – 33 p.
  10. Shewale, Nanaji (2015). A study of the AACR2R Rules for the ‘Title’ and ‘General Material Designation (GMD)’ in the ‘Title and Statement of Responsibility Area’ given the Machine Readable Cataloguing (MARC). In: Research Directions. Vol. 3, Issue. 5. November 2015. 1 – 10 p.
  11. Shewale, Nanaji. A study of the AACR2R Rules for the ‘Statement of Responsibility in the “Title and statement of responsibility area” given the MARC (Machine-readable Cataloguing). In: e-Library Science Research Journal. Vol. 1, Issue (2). Dec 2012. 35- 40 p.
  12. Shewale, Nanaji (2012). Building Digital Library using DSpace: Case Study of GIPE’s Dhananjayarao Gadgil Library. In: DESIDOC Journal of Library and Information Technology. Vol. 32, No. 5, September 2012. 417 – 420 pp.
  13. Shewale, Nanaji. An overview of cataloguing rules with special reference to Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules. In: Golden Research Thoughts. Vol. 1, Issue 10. April 2012. ISSN: 2231–5063. 37 – 42 p.
  14. Shewale, Nanaji (2011). Evolution of bibliographic standards and their compatibility issues with bibliographic database tools. In: Indian Streams Research Journal. Vol.1, Issue 4. May 2011. ISSN: 2230-7850. 47 – 56 p.
  15. Shewale Nanaji and Panigraphi, Pijuskanti. Hypertext and HTML tools and techniques to develop web pages. In: Library Science with a Slant to Documentation and Information Studies. Vol. 34, No. 3. 1997. Paper H. 149-153 pp.

Books and book chapters


  1. Shewale, Nanaji (Editor). Social Sciences in India: An Index to Articles (1966-2000). Vol I. Sociology, Statistics, Law and Education. Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics, Pune. 2020. ISBN: 978-81-930376-5-2. 619 pages
  2. Shewale, Nanaji (Editor). Social Sciences in India: An Index to Articles (1966-2000). Vol II. Political Science, Public Administration. Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics, Pune. 2020. ISBN: 978-81-930376-6-9. 446 pages
  3. Shewale, Nanaji (Editor). Social Sciences in India: An Index to Articles (1966-2000). Vol III. Economics (Accountancy to Budgeting). Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics, Pune. 2020. ISBN: 978-81-930376-7-6. 614 pages
  4. Shewale, Nanaji (Editor). Social Sciences in India: An Index to Articles (1966-2000). Vol IV. Economics (Business to Family Planning). Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics, Pune. 2020. ISBN: 978-81-930376-8-3. 612 pages
  5. Shewale, Nanaji (Editor). Social Sciences in India: An Index to Articles (1966-2000). Vol V. Economics (Famine to Nationalised Banks). Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics, Pune. 2020. ISBN: 978-81-930376-9-0. 578 pages
  6. Shewale, Nanaji (Editor). Social Sciences in India: An Index to Articles (1966-2000). Vol VI. Economics (Natural Resources to Working Women). Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics, Pune. 2020. ISBN: Awaited. 560 pages
  7. Shewale, Nanaji (Editor). Social Sciences in India: An Index to Articles (1966-2000). Vol VII. Economics of Industries (Agro to Wolen Industry). Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics, Pune. 2020. ISBN: Awaited. 630 pages
  8. Shewale, Nanaji (Editor). Social Sciences in India: An Index to Articles (1966-2000). Vol VIII. Generalia, Religion, Science, Technology, History and Geography. Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics, Pune. 2020. ISBN: Awaited. 281 pages
  9. Shewale, Nanaji (Editor). Social Sciences in India: An Index to Articles (1966-2000). Vol IX. Cumulative Index to Authors. Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics, Pune. 2020. ISBN: Awaited. 600 pages
  10. Ahire, Subhash and Shewale, Nanaji. ICT Literacy among Library Professionals (with special reference to Nashik District College Libraries). Suyog Publications, Nashik. 2020. ISBN: 978-81-937448-3-3. 170 pages
  11. Kulkarni, Shirish and Nanaji Shewale. Enhancing Library Services using Open-Source Software Koha: Prototype Model of Centralised Library System of Sinhgad Institute’s Higher Education Libraries. Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany. March 2017, ISBN: 9783659949333. Paperback Edition. 286 pages.
  12. Shewale, Nanaji and Prasad, A R D. AACR2, MARC21 and WINISIS: A Compatibility Study. September 2009. VDM Verlag, Germany, 2009. ISBN: 978-3639189063. Paperback Edition. 408 Pages.

Book Chapters

  1. Shewale, Nanaji. A Study of the Compatibility of AACR2R, MARC21 and WINISIS. In: Knowledge Paradigm: Research and Innovation in Library and Information Science. Edited by Devika Madalli. Published by Documentation Research and Training Centre (DRTC), Bangalore. July 2019. 53-70 pp.
  2. Shewale, Nanaji. (नोव्हेंबर २०१८). डॉ. नानाजी शेवाळेग्रंथरूपी ग्रंथपाल: कर्तृत्ववान ग्रंथपालांच्या प्रेरणादायी यशोगाथा. संपादक: रणजीत धर्मापुरीकर आणि हितेश ब्रिजवासी. प्रशांत पब्लिकेशन्स, जळगाव. आयएसबीएन: ९७८९३८८११३७९.
  3. Gaikwad, Shreya and Shewale, Nanaji (2017). Collection Development of E-Resources in Libraries: An overview. In: Library Technologies, Services and Resources: Current Global Trends. Edited by Jitendra Sharma, Management Libraries Network and Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida. Publisher: Excel India Publishers, New Delhi. ISBN: 978-93-86724-07-6. pp. 377 – 382.
  4. Shewale, Nanaji. Digitisation using open-source software DSpace: A case study of Dhananjayarao Gadgil Library. In: New Paradigms in Library Management – Festschrift in honour of Prof Ashwini Anand Vaishnav. Edited by Dr Shashank S Sonwane. Atharva Publications. April 2016. ISBN: 978-93-85026-92-8. 1 – 5 pp
  5. Tripathi, Aditya; Chauhan, Poonam and Shewale, Nanaji. Women in business Vs their pains in business. In: New Paradigms in Library Management – Festschrift in honour of Prof Ashwini Anand Vaishnav. Edited by Dr Shashank S Sonwane. Atharva Publications. April 2016. ISBN: 978-93-85026-92-8. 82 – 85 pp.
  6. Shewale, Nanaji and Barve, Sunita. Liblive CD for Novice Users. Editor: Antony Jose. Advances in Digital Library Development. McMillan Advanced Research Series. McMillan Publishers India Ltd., Delhi. 2012. ISBN: 978-935-059-077-5. Pp. 185-192.

Papers presented

International conferences

  1. Shewale Nanaji. Knowledge Management Tools used to build Digital Library: A case study of ‘Directory of Open Access Repositories (DOAR)’. In: International Conference on Knowledge Modelling and Knowledge Management (ICKM-2013), 20-21 November 2013. Hosted by Documentation Research and Training Centre (DRTC), Indian Statistical Institute (ISI). – Oral Presentation.
  2. Shewale, Nanaji. Batch import of metadata and corresponding bit-streams in DSpace. In: 16th International Symposium on Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD 2013). Hostel by The University of Hong Kong Libraries, Hong Kong. 23 – 26 Sep 2013. – Oral Presentation
  3. Shewale, Nanaji. Maintaining Electronic Publications: Achieving ‘Value for Money. In International Conference on Electronic Publishing, the University of Pune, Pune. 13 – 15 Mar 2013.
  4. Shewale, Nanaji. Indian Digital Repositories: A State of the Art Report. In: International Conference on Trends in Knowledge and Information Dynamics (ICTK) organized by Documentation Research and Training Centre (DRTC), Bangalore (India) from 10-13 July 2012. 
  5. Shewale, Nanaji. Sustainability of digital collections available in Indian Repositories. In: 2012 TELDAP – Taiwan e-Learning & Digital Archives Program. February 21-24, 2012 at Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.
  6. Shewale, Nanaji. Retro-conversion of Legacy Data in DSpace. In: 2012 TELDAP – Taiwan e-Learning & Digital Archives Program. February 21-24, 2012 at Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. 
  7. Shewale, Nanaji. Inheritance of AACR2 Rules from MARC21 to Koha: Blessings or Curses? In: Kohacon 2011.The annual Koha community International conference at VPM, Thane, India from October 31, 2011 – to November 2, 2011. 
  8. Shewale, Nanaji. Installation of Koha using LibLiveCD: Setting up web parameters.  In: Kohacon 2011.The annual Koha community International conference at VPM, Thane, India from October 31, 2011 – to November 2, 2011.


  1.  National Conference on Development of Reading Culture and Changing Role of Libraries (वाचन संस्कृती विकास आणि ग्रंथालयांची बदलती भूमिका). Organised by Pune District Education Association’s (PDEA) Baburaoji Gholap College, New Sangvi, Pune on 19 – 20 January 2018.
  2. Shewale, Nanaji and Tripathi, Aditya. Data Documentation Initiative (DDI) and its application in Social Science Institutes. In: DRTC Workshop 2010 on “Knowledge Transaction”, 15 – 17 Feb 2010, held at Documentation Research and Training Centre, Bangalore. 
  3. Shewale, Nanaji and Prasad, A R D. Let’s put NISSAT on Internet!! In: DRTC Annual Workshop (30) (1996), on Advances in Information Technology: Impact on Library and Information Field. Oct 1996. 
  4. Jahagirdar, I H and Shewale, Nanaji. Library automation: The British Library Experience. In: DRTC Annual Workshop (30) (1996), on Advances in Information Technology: Impact on Library and Information Field. Oct 1996. 
  5. Shewale, Nanaji and Sarkel, Gopal Kumar. Relevance of SOHO to small and medium libraries. In: XX All India Conference of the IASLIC, organised by Lucknow University, Lucknow. 26-29 Dec 1995.


  1. Member, Board of Studies of Library and Information Science, Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU), Pune. 
  2.  Member, Board of Studies of Library and Information Science, MES Abasaheb Garware College, Pune.
  3. Member, Governing Body. Indian Association of Special Libraries and Information Centres (IASLIC), Kolkata
  4. Digital Resource Development Cell, Directorate of Public Libraries, Government of Maharashtra
  5. Executive Committee Member: Pune University Library and Information Science Alumni Association (PULISAA), Pune (2012 – 2017)
  6. Subject Expert: BCUD Minor Projects Evaluation Committee, Pune University, Pune
  7. Subject Expert: Innovation 2015. Evaluation of Minor Research Projects financed by BCUD, University of Pune, Pune.
  8. Rapporteur General: IASLIC’s 29th All India Conference 2013
  9. Subject Expert: B Lib Sci. Syllabus Review Committee. YCM Open University, Nashik. 
  10. Syllabus Review Committee for B. Lib. Sci. Shivaji University, Kolhapur.
  11. Syllabus Review Committee: Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth


  1. Best Librarian of the year 2014 – 2015. Awarded by: Pune Nagar Vachan Mandir, Pune (07 Feb 2015)
  2. Customer Excellence Award (2008). Awarded by: British Council India