Prabhash Rath
Professor, Director IQAC
M. Lib., Ph.D,University of Calcutta
Specialization : Bibliography
Rath is a Library and Information Science professional by training and has an interest in knowledge organisation. He is working as a Documentation Officer in the Professor cadre in the D R Gadgil Library at GIPE.
He is handling the documentation, serials and periodicals sections. He has a PhD, and the topic was ‘Development of Systematic Bibliographies in India’. He likes to work on the evolution and growth of language and literature in India.
His present areas of teaching and research include knowledge organisation, research ethics and its theoretical underpinnings, open access, and so on. He has been officiating as the Registrar of the Institute since July 2017. He was previously working as an Officer on Special Duty (OSD), Campus Secretary and guesthouse in-charge.
His plans include developing the library to make it a dynamic knowledge resource and dissemination centre, developing the journal portfolio and making access management more user friendly.
Books and chapters
- Gopal Krishna Gokhale: A Bibliography. Pune: Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics and Diamond Publications, 2010. ISBN: 978-81-8483-197-9. Compiled and edited with Asha Gadre.
- Librarianship Today. Pune: Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics and Diamond Publications, 2010. ISBN: 978-81-8483-318-8. Edited with Asha Gadre.
Articles in Edited Books/Conference proceedings
- Free or Fee-based Library Service: An Observation in Indian Context. 39th All India Library Conference, Bangalore, 1994. New Delhi: Indian Library Association, 1994; pp.184-191. Co-author: Rabindra Nath Mohanta.
- Standards for Library and Information Services: A Proposal for the 21st Century. 40th All India Library Conference, Goa, 1995. New Delhi: Indian Library Association, 1995; pp.82-87. Co-authors: Nikhil Kumar Jas and Sucharita Sahu.
- Preservation of Materials in a Social Science Library: A case of Digitisation. 8th National Convention for Automation of Libraries in Education and Research Institutes (CALIBER 2001), Pune, 2001. Ahmedabad: INFLIBNET Centre, 2001; pp.115-122. Co-author: Asha Gadre.
- Digitisation as a Method of Preservation of Cultural Heritage: Some Theoretical Issues. International Conference on Digital Libraries, New Delhi, 2004. New Delhi: The Energy and Resources Institute, 2004; pp.392-404. Co-authors: N. Muralidhara and Swati Shinde.
- Open Access Movement: Implications for Social Science Research in India. National Seminar on Library and Information Services in Changing Era, Pune, 22-23 January 2009. Pune: University of Pune, 2009; pp. 59-65.
- Navigators in the Ocean? Role of Librarian in Internet Era. In Developing Cyber Libraries: Festschrift in Honour of Professor M. Sankara Reddy/ edited by T. Ashok Babu and L. S. Ramaiah. New Delhi: Allied, 2006; pp.42-49
- Structure of Library and Information Science Curriculum: A Thorough Re-engineering Plan: Paper presented at the LIS Edu Vision 2020: A National Seminar on Vision of LIS Education for Modern India, held at University of Calcutta, Kolkata, March 19-20 2010
- Integration of Traditional Collection and Services and Digital Collection and IT-based Services in an Academic Library. In Resource Management in Academic Library: Systems and Tools: A collection of Articles/ edited by Dibyendu Paul. Kolkata: University of Calcutta, Academic Staff College, 2011; pp. 75-88
- Impact of Globalization on Staffing Pattern for Digital Libraries in Comparison with the traditional pattern paper presented in the International Conference on Digital Libraries, New Delhi, The Energy and Resources Institute, New Delhi, 2013, pp419-425. Co-author: Ajit Sonawane.
- Strategies for Library Capacity Building in Social Science Libraries in India. In Recent Trends in Library and Information Science: A way forward for the Future: Festschrift in Honour of Prof. M.V. Konnur/ edited by S.L. Sangam, B.S. Biradar and S.M. Pujar. Bangalore: LIS Academy International; 2013; pp. 72-85
- Open Access Publications and the Publishing World. In Library Landscape of Future: Commemoration Volume in Honour of Prof. G.S. Katti/ edited by A.A. Vaishnav and R.S. Balekar. Aurangabad: Library and Information Science Academy; 2016; pp197-206. ISBN: 978-81-924534-6-0
- Electronic Resources Management: Challenges in Research Libraries. In Jharotia, Anil Kumar etc. Library Information Science and Information Technology for Education: Proceedings of NCITE 2016. New Delhi: Modern Rohini Education Society, 2016; pp123-127. ISBN: 978-1-63102-470-2. (Co-author: Namrata Shinde)
- Does open access promote plagiarism? In Satija, M.P. etc. Ed., Plagiarism: An International Reader; New Delhi: Ess Ess Pubns., 2019; pp. 67-76; SRFLIS Series on Library and Information Science; No.11
Book reviews
- S. R. Ranganathan 1892-1972/ edited by B. I. Palmer. New Delhi: Ess Ess Pub., 1992 (Indian Reprint). IASLIC Bulletin. 37(3); 1992; pp. 242-243
- Library Services for Career Planning, Job Searching ad Employment Opportunities/ edited by Byron Anderson. New York: Haworth Press, 1992. IASLIC Bulletin. 39(3); 1994; pp.139-141
- Student Plagiarism in an Online World: Problems and Solutions/ Tim Roberts. Hershey: Information Science Reference, c2008. Indian Journal of Open Learning 20(1); 2011; pp48-50
- Essays in Honour of Prof. S.L.N. Simha/ edited by Susheela Subrahmanya and B.S. Bhandary. Bangalore: Southern Economist Pubns., 2008. Artha Vijnana. 54(4); 2012; p.503
- Secularism and Pluralistic Democracy in India/ Edited by V. Ragupathy and Vasundara Mohan. New Delhi: Concept Pubns. Pvt. Ltd., 2013. Artha Vijnana.56(3); 2014; pp.421-423
- The Application of Social Sciences: A Guide to its Problems/ R.E.S. Tanner. New Delhi: Concept Pubns. Pvt. Ltd., 2015. Artha Vijnana.57(4); 2015; pp.335-337
- Prasad, Anirudh and Sudeep Kumar (2016). Beyond business: Mapping the CSR and Sustainable Development Initiatives of Tata Steel. Xavier Institute of Social Services, Ranchi. xv, 260p. Rs. 650/. ISBN: 81-904112-8-4. Social Science Spectrum, 2(2); 2016; pp.162-163.
Journal publications
- Trend of Research in Library and Information Science in India. Annals of Library Science and Documentation. 42(2); 1995; pp.54-60. Co-authors: Amitabha Chatterjee and A. K. Podder.
- INSPEC: An Appraisal. Librarian (Organ of Dept. of Library and Information Science, Jadavpur University). 5; 1997; pp.55-64. Co-author: Krishnapada Majumder.
- Status and Position of College Librarians of West Bengal in the Social Perspective: A survey. Librarian (Organ of Dept. of Library and Information Science, Jadavpur University). 5; 1997; pp.70-75. Co-authors: Biplab Chakraborty and Purabi Sen.
- Genesis and Growth of Dictionaries in Bengali: A Critical Study. RBU Journal of Library and Information Science. 4; 2000; pp. 47-50
- UGC Infonet Programme: An Evaluation and Case Study of a Social Science Library. University News. 44(21); 22 May 2006; pp.15-19. Co-author: N. Muralidhara.
- Study of open access publishing in Social Sciences and the implications for libraries. DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology. 35(3), May 2015; 177-183.
- Quality of open access social science journals in India: Role of libraries. Golden Research Thoughts. May (Special issue), 2015; 58-63
- Role of libraries in research productivity of social science research institutions: A case study, Library Herald, 54(1), March 2016; pp.52-63. Co-author: Sarita Ranga.
- Evolution of Systematic Bibliographies in India 1849-1993, Library and Information History, 34(3) 2018; pp.160-175
Working paper
Modern Indian Business History: A Bibliographic Survey. Pune: Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics, Oct 2005 (Working Paper No.6. Co-author: N. Benjamin.
- Life Member, Indian Association of Special Libraries and Information Centres (IASLIC)
- Life Member, Bengal Library Association (B.L.A.)
- Life Member, Pune University Library and Information Science Alumni Association (PULISAA)
- Member of Executive Council, IASLIC, during 1992-93.
- Assistant Editor, Indian Library Science Abstracts from 1993 to 1998.
- Life Member, Indian Association of Special Libraries and Information Centres (IASLIC)
- Life Member, Bengal Library Association (B.L.A.)
- Life Member, Pune University Library and Information Science Alumni Association (PULISAA)
- Member of Executive Council, IASLIC, during 1992-93.
- Assistant Editor, Indian Library Science Abstracts from 1993 to 1998.
Awards & Honours
- Life Member, Indian Association of Special Libraries and Information Centres (IASLIC)
- Life Member, Bengal Library Association (B.L.A.)
- Life Member, Pune University Library and Information Science Alumni Association (PULISAA)
- Member of Executive Council, IASLIC, during 1992-93.
- Assistant Editor, Indian Library Science Abstracts from 1993 to 1998.