Ramanathan Venkateswaran
Professor of Practice
Industry Experience Summary:
Spanning 30+ years
Persistent Systems Limited (Dec 2002 – Oct 2023). Leadership Roles played:
- Global Chief Information Officer
- Senior Vice President & General Manager of Industrial & IoT Solutions
- SVP of Engineering for Products business of Persistent Systems (Accelerite)
- Global Chief Technology Officer responsible for global technology initiatives
- Head of Strategic Business – Cloud, Mobility, Collaboration and Analytics
- Head of Telecom Business
Lucent Technologies, Bell Laboratories (1995-2002)
- Part of CTO Office and responsible for architecture and evolution planning for Lucent’s internal WAN
- Network Researcher at Bell Labs working on emerging network technologies. Awarded 3 patents and authored multiple technical papers
Innovation Related Activities
- Played significant roles in organizing Smart India Hackathon 2017, 18 & 19
- Evaluation Committee Member, Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation
Achievements (ARIIA), an initiative of MHRD Innovation Council – 2019-2021
Academic Affiliations
- Recognized PhD Guide, Dept of Technology, SPPU. Co-guide for 1 student who successfully defended his PhD thesis in July 2022. On Ph.D Advisory panel for 3 students of SPPU.
- Member, Board of Studies, Dept of IT, SPPU and PCCOE.
- Member, Board of Management, Symbiosis Skills & Professional University (Pune & Indore) since 2019.
- Member, Governing Body, RSCOE and VIIT (Pune)
- Eminent Speaker of ACM, India. Active contributor in Teacher Partnership
Program initiative of ACM since 2021.
- Ph.D in Computer Science, Washington State Univ, Pullman, WA, 1997
Thesis: “Multicast Routing in High Speed Networks” - M.Tech. in Computer Science, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, 1992
- B.Tech. in Computer Science, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, 1988
- US Patent No. 6144666, Technique for efficiently transporting information through an asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) Network [2000]
- US Patent No. 5946316, Dynamic Distributed Multicast Routing Protocol [1999]
- US Patent No. 5831975, System and Method for Hierarchical Multicast Routing in ATM Networks [1998]
- European Patent No. EP0854618A3, A dynamic distributed multicast routing protocol [1998]
Recent Publications
- Snehkumar Shahani, Jibi Abraham and R Venkateswaran, “Selection and Verification of Privacy Parameters for Local Differentially Privacy Data Aggregation”, In 5th International Conference on Information System and Data Mining (ICISDM2021), May 27-29, 2021, Silicon Valley, CA, USA, 10 pages.
- Snehkumar Shahani, R Venkateswaran and Jibi Abraham. “Cost-based recommendation of parameters for local differentially private data aggregation”, Computers & Security, Volume 102, 2021, 102144, ISSN 0167-4048.
- Snehkumar Shahani, Jibi Abraham and R. Venkateswaran, “Distributed Data Aggregation with Privacy Preservation at Endpoint”, 21st International Conference on Management of Data, COMAD 2017, IIT-M, Chennai.
Other Publications
- “QoS and Differentiated Services in a Multiservice Network Environment,” Bell Labs Tech. Journal, vol. 3, number 4, Oct-Dec. 1998. Co-author: Meera Balakrishnan.
- “Improved VC-Merging for Multiway Communications in ATM Networks,” IEEE International Conf. On Computer Communications and Networks, Oct. 1998. Co-authors: S.Li, X.Chen, C.S.Raghavendra and N.Ansari.
- “Support for Multiway Communications in ATM Networks,” IEEE ATM’98 Workshop, May 1998. Co-authors: C.S.Raghavendra, X.Chen and V.P.Kumar.
- “A Framework for QoS in Packet Switched Networks,” 14th Intl. Conf. On Advanced Science and Technology, pp. 136-149, April 1998. Co-author: Meera Balakrishnan.
- “DMRP: A Distributed Multicast Routing Protocol for ATM Networks,” IEEE ATM’97 Workshop, May 1997. Co-authors: C.S.Raghavendra, X.Chen and V.P.Kumar.
- “Support for Group Multicast in PNNI,” ATM Forum 97-0076, February 1997.
- “A Scalable, Dynamic Multicast Routing Algorithm in ATM Networks,”, ICC’97, June 1997. Co-authors: C.S.Raghavendra, X.Chen and V.P.Kumar.
- “Hierarchical Multicast Routing in ATM Networks,” ICC’96, June 1996. Co-authors: C.S.Raghavendra, X.Chen and V.P.Kumar.