- “Behavioral Challenges for Retirement Planning: A Study of Employees of the Information Technology Industry in Pune, Maharashtra”, International Journal of Applied Behavioral Economics, Volume 7(2), April-June-2018, ISSN: 2160-9802
- “An Experimental Investigation of Intra-Household Resource Allocation in Rural India”, Partnership for Economic Policy Working Paper Series, 2016-20, (October 2016)
- “Culture, Community and Institutions: Voluntary Provision of Public Goods in Maharashtra”, Economic Political Weekly, Vol L No. 46 & 47, (November 21, 2015), p. 65-74.
- “Stereotypical Occupational Segregation & Gender Inequality: An Experimental Study”, Economic & Political Weekly, vol xlviii no. 32, (August 2013)
- “Women’s Mechanical Ability: Reality of Stereotype vs. Reality”, “University News”. A Weekly Journal of Higher Education, Association of Indian Universities, vo. 51, No. 12, (March 25-31, 2013)
- “Stereotypical Occupational Segregation & Gender Inequality: An Experimental Study”, Working Paper Series, Department of Economics, the University of Mumbai (ISSN 2230-8334) , UDE40/12/2012 (December 2012)
- “Experimental Investigation of Pro-Social Preferences”, Working Paper, Department of Economics, University of Mumbai, (ISSN 2230-8334), UDE40/3/2012 (July 2012)
- “What Drives Inflation in India: Overheating or Input Costs?”, Economic & Political Weekly (August 2011)
- A Marathi article on economics & experimental economics in Kalnirnay’s Diwali magazine, (November 2010)
- Three articles on India’s growth & policy on www.esocialsciences.com, a social sciences portal of IRIS Business Services (India) Pvt. Ltd. available at http://www.esocialsciences.com/search/searchByAuthTitle.asp ( 2007)

Savita Kulkarni
Assistant Professor
PhD, University of Mumbai
Specialization : Development, Experimental & Behavioral Economics
113, UGC Building Ext: 319
Savita teaches behavioural economics, behavioural finance, development economics, basic econometrics and R programming at GIPE. In her research, she emphasises social preferences and norms, and the impact of mental health on economic decision-making. She conducts lab experiments using the Z-tree experimental toolbox for her research.
Her research articles have been published in reputed journals like Economic and Political Weekly (EPW), and International Journal of Applied Behavioral Economics (IJABE). She has collaborated with international researchers (University of Warwick, Yale University) to conduct artefact field experiments in various parts of Maharashtra.
She set up the Centre for Behavioural Economics at GIPE, and conducts customised workshops and lectures on behavioural economics for government agencies, academic institutions and corporate houses.
She is the programme coordinator for the Masters of Arts in Economics program and co-heads the Ethics Committee at GIPE. She writes notes on economic concepts for the Marathi encyclopaedia. She is a member of the Board of Studies at a few colleges in Pune and Mumbai.
Book chapters
- Conference Proceedings titled “Transforming India 2030: Strategies for Sustainable Development Goals”, organized by Symbiosis International University, Pune, Maharashtra during February15- 17, 2017
- “Working of Systems: Governed by Synergy or Anti-Synergy?” in The Value of Work in Contemporary Society,(ed.) Dominika Polkowska, Inter-Disciplinary Press, Oxford, United Kingdom (2014)
Research publications
- Evaluation study of ‘Opening and Maintenance of Government Hostels for SC Boys and Girls’ awarded by Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Planning Department, Government of Maharashtra, Mumbai. Period: July 2018 – February 2020. Position: Team member. Responsibilities: Online Bidding for the project, Proposal writing & presentation, organizing training for field investigators, data analysis and report writing.
- Field study titled ‘Understanding Women’s Micro-Business During Covid-19 Pandemic’ awarded by Mann Deshi Foundation, Mann, Satara, Maharashtra. Period: April 2020 – December 2020. Position: Researcher. Responsibilities: Proposal writing, designing questionnaires, sample drawing, straining field investigators, data analysis and report writing.
- Member of a research project “The Relationship between Intra-Household Bargaining and Programme Participation in Rural India”, funded by Partnership for Economic Policy from 2014-to 2016
- Part of a research project on “Social Norms and Cooperation” undertaken by Prof. Simon Gachter (University of Nottingham, United Kingdom), Dr Jonathan Schulz (Yale University) and Prof. Christian Thoni (University of Lausanne, Switzerland) in January 2016 (completed)
- Led a project on experimental economics for Prof. Sharun Mukand and Prof. Anandi Mani, University of Warwick, on “Career Aspiration in Indian Youth” during May 2010-May 2012.
- Research Assistance to the project conducted by a media agency – Maxus (India) on “Impact of Commercials on Consumer Preferences” from July 2011- Dec 2011.
Papers presented
- The working paper titled “Stereotypical Occupational Segregation & Gender Inequality: An Experimental Study” was presented in:
- National Seminar on “Demographic Transition and Inclusive Development” (March 15-17,2012) organized by International Institute for Population Sciences at Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata. The paper was shortlisted for “best paper award” in the conference
- 54th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Labour Economics (December 20-22, 2012) at Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, Utter Pradesh
- 49th Annual Conference of the Indian Econometric Society (January 9-11, 2013) at Patna University, Patna, Bihar
- 5th National Conference on Experimental Economics at Indian School of Business, Hyderabad during December 28-29, 2012
- IGC-ISI Summer School in Development Economics, organized by International Growth Centre, New Delhi, during 12-16 July 2014
- The paper titled “Culture, Community and Institutions: Voluntary Provision of Public Goods in Maharashtra”, was presented in:
- National Conference organized by the Department of Economics, Central University of Kerala, Kasargod, during 16th-18th December 2013
- 6th National Conference on Experimental Economics organized by the Centre for Experiments in Social and Behavioral Sciences, Jadavpur University, Kolkata during 23-24 December 2013.
Awards & recognition
Was awarded second prize in the „National Research Student Convention : Anveshan 2013‟ organized by the Association of Indian Universities, New Delhi and hosted by the Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai between 20-22nd March 2013.
Project Fellowship from the Centre for Experimental & Computational Social Sciences, University of Mumbai, , India between December 2009- November 2014.