
Suddhasil Siddhanta

Suddhasil Siddhanta

Assistant Professor Member: CSSE&IP


PhD, University of Kalyani, Post-Doctorate, Aarhus University, Denmark

Specialization : Population Economics, Inequality, Demography, Environment and Resources Economics, Development Economics, Spatial Economics/ Econometrics, Microeconomics




123, UGC Building Ext: 323


Suddhasil is a sex-ratio researcher and teaches Advanced and Applied Econometrics, Labor Economics and Population & Development at the post-graduate level. He has been teaching for more than a decade. He has a Doctorate in Development Economics, Spatial Econometrics and Demography and Post-Doc (non-degree) in Labor Economics, with specialization in India’s female labour supply.

Book chapters

  • “Government Finance in the Indian States: Patterns, Trends and Socio-Economic Fallout”, (Jointly with Debasish Nandy and P. K. Chatterjee), State Level Fiscal Reforms in the Indian Economy, New Delhi: Deep & Deep Publisher, 2006
  • “Social Group Inequality and Poverty in Rural India: A Fresh Exploration”, (Jointly with Debasish Nandy), in K. N. Rao (edited) Poverty in India: Global and Regional Dimension, New Delhi: Deep & Deep Publisher, 2005
  • “Child Labour in Zari Industry of Howrah district of West Bengal” (Jointly with Manab Sen and Debasish Nandy) in R.K.Sen & A. Dasgupta (edited) Problems of Child Labour in India, New Delhi: Deep and Deep Publisher, December 2002
  • “Economic Reforms and Employment Generation: A Conceptual and Analytical Study of the Indian Scenario” (Jointly with P. K. Chatterjee and Debasish Nandy), in Ashok Mathur and P.S. Raikhy (edited) Economic Liberalisation and Its Implication for Employment, New Delhi: Deep and Deep Publisher, December 2001
  • “Women’s Role – Mitigating the Disaster”, (Jointly with Debasish Nandy Samit Kar (edited) Flood Situation in West Bengal, Calcutta: Directed Initiative, February 1999

Research publications


  • “The Opt-Out Process: The Determinants of Educated Female’s Labour Supply decision in India” (Jointly with Mehr Kaur), paper to be presented in the forthcoming EALE Conference, Padova, Italy, and also in the forthcoming Cornell University Development Economics conference “100 years of Economic Development”, Cornell, Ithaca.
  • “Missing Females and the Discourse of Violence – Evidence from Indian Subcontinent”, (jointly with Purbash Nayak) paper presented at the Annual Meeting of Econometric Society.
  • “Determinants of Spousal age-difference in Indian Population” (jointly with Praveen) paper to be presented in the forthcoming British Society for Population Studies (BSPS) London School of Economics conference.
  • “Sex Ratio Pattern among the Scheduled Castes Population in Urban Maharashtra, 1991 – 2011”, (jointly with Purbash Nayak, Mehr Kaur and Praveen)
  • “Marriage Squeeze in Asian Demography” (with Mr Praveen, Co-investigator, USAID supported study)

Refereed journals

  • “Opt-out” or kept out? The effect of stigma, structure, selection, and sector on the labour force participation of married women in India” (Jointly with Nabanita Dattafupta and Debasish Nandy), Review of Development Economics, March 19, 2020
  • “Sex Ratio Pattern & ‘Prosperity Effect’: What do the NSSO data show?” (Jointly with Debasish Nandy & Satish B. Agnihotri), Economic and Political Weekly, October 11-17, 2003
  • “Gender Gap in Education: Further Exploration”, (Jointly with Debasish Nandy), Artha Beekshan (Special issue), 2005
  • “Government Finance in the Indian States: Patterns, Trends and Socio-Economic Fallout”, (Jointly with Debasish Nandy and P. K. Chatterjee), Artha Beekshan: Kolkata, Bengal Economic Association, June 2003
  • “Trends in West Bengal Agriculture”, (Jointly with Debasish Nandy), ENCOUNTER, New Delhi: Upalabdhi Trust, November / December 2000

Unpublished manuscripts

  • “Gujarat: An emerging epicentre of Female Deficit”, (Jointly with Satish B. Agnihotri & Debasish Nandy)
  • “Sex-Ratio pattern in Maharashtra: Locating ‘epi – centres’ of the female deficit” (Jointly with Satish B. Agnihotri & Debasish Nandy)



  • Mapping out the socio-economic diversities in the contexts of castes in Maharashtra: Learning from developmental indices and decomposition analyses. (It tried to identify structural as well as contextual differences in various dimensions of development among some of the most prominent jatis (castes), provides a set of tools by which to plan, monitor, and evaluate developmental differentials of different caste groups, and identifies gaps in institutional service delivery.)


  • “A Compilation of Selective Urban and Rural Schemes for Children and Women in West Bengal” report submitted to UNICEF, May 2004.
  • “Seasonal variation in Vitamin – A Coverage in West Bengal: A District-Level Analysis”, report submitted to UNICEF, November 2003.
  • “Seasonal Fluctuations in Immunization Coverage in West Bengal: A District-Level Analysis”, report submitted to UNICEF, August 2003.
  • “An Analysis of the Hemoglobin Survey data among the Adolescent Girls in Dakshin Dinajpur District” report submitted to SPCO, May 2003.
  • “Development at the Crossroads: Focus on Eastern India”, (Jointly with Sudhin K. Mukhopadhyay, Bahnishikha Ghosh and Debasish Nandy), Institute for Development Economics (IDE), Japan, December 1998.

Recent projects

  • Determinants of fertility variation in the Indian Sub-continent (compilation of 17 state-level studies with MSc (Population Studies and Health Economics) students, March -June 2022.), Data Support: USAID through the project « Consequences of fertility decline »
  • Factors Influencing Fertility Variations of Women in Nigeria (with students from Econometric Application and Data science, 2021-22), Data support: DHS, USAID through the project « Consequences of fertility decline »
  • Revisiting Determinants of Female Labor force Participation (Compilation of 13 state-level
    Studies with MSc (Economics) students, September 2021 – January 2022) (Project Associates: Mr Purbash Nayak, Ms Mehr Kaur), Data support: DHS, USAID through the project « Consequences of fertility decline »
  • A country-wide study on the Impact of Household Wealth in legitimising Intimate Partner Violence (Compilation of 10 studies with MSc(Economics) 2019-21 batch) (Project associates: Mr Purbash Nayak, Ms Mehr Kaur)
  • Relationship between Wealth and Female Labour Force Participation (Compilation of 12 studies (with the students of Computer Application course and PhD candidates, 2019-2020))\
  • A country-wide study on Determinants of Infant Mortality (Compilation of 10 studies with MSc (Economics) 2018-20 batch) (Project associates: Mr Purbash Nayak, MS Mehr Kaur & Mr Praveen)
  • The Effect of Child-Bearing on Mother’s Workforce Participation (with MSc (Economics) 2018-20 batch) (Project associates: Mr Purbash Nayak, Ms Mehr Kaur & Mr Praveen)

Older projects

1.  Title: Geography of gender discrimination

Capacity: Researcher

Period: November 2009 – April 2010

2. Title: Where does the shoe pinch? Locating critical gaps for effective service delivery

Capacity: Principal Investigator

Period: June 2008 – September 2009

3. Title: A research study on Disability Data, Cost-effectiveness of Medical Rehabilitation, Interventions and the Impact on Poverty Reduction – India chapter

Capacity: Development Economist (Consultant)/ Country Coordinator

Period: April 2008 – June 2008

Funding (Affiliation): World Bank / PADECO (TF03 0804/Japanese CTFFY06 &07

4. Title: Spatial Dimensions of Sex ratio Change in India

Capacity: Principal Co-investigator

Period: December 2007 – March 2008

Funding (Affiliation): CEPED-IRD

5. Title: Child Atlas

Capacity: Consultant

Period: November 2007 – May 2008

Funding (Affiliation): Ford Foundation (through HAQ)

6. Title: A Compilation of Selective Urban and Rural Schemes for Children and Women in West Bengal

Capacity: Consultant (Child Protection)

Period: 2003 –2004

Funding (Affiliation): UNICEF

7. Title: Consequence of fertility decline (CFD)

Capacity: Research Associate

Period  2000-2001

Funding: UNFPA

8. Title: Environmental conservation and valuation of East Calcutta Wetlands. 2000-01

CapacityProject Personal, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata

Period: 1999-2000

Funding (Affiliation): World Bank-EMCAB

9. Title: The social impact of the Panchayat system in West Bengal

CapacityResearch Assistant, State Institute of Panchayat and Rural Development, GoWB, Kalyani

Period: 1996 – 1999 (part-time: April 1, 1996 – June 30, 1998; full-time: July 1, 1998 – June 30, 1999)

Funding (Affiliation): State Institute of Panchayat and Rural Development, GGWB


  • “Bridging the GAP”: The interplay between fertility transition and birth masculinity in India, 29th August, BEXCO, XXVII IUSSP Population Conference, Busan, South Korea
  • Patterns of asset holdings in Maharashtra: What do the Census 2011 household asset and amenities data reveal?, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, March 2011
  • Special Lecture on ‘Sex Ratio Problem of India’ at the Department of Sociology of University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2009
  • “Hundred years of juvenile masculinity in India: Why the contemporary pattern is important?” in XXVI IUSSP International Population Conference, Marrakech, Morocco, September 2009
  • “Sex ratio patterns among the scheduled castes in India 1981-200” in XXVI IUSSP International Population Conference, Marrakech, Morocco, September 2009
  • IAFFE Annual Conference, Simmons College, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, June 2009
  • University of Maryland (UMD) and National Council for Applied Economic Research (NCAER) organized an international conference on “Measuring Human Development”, at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi, May 2008
  • Department of Economics, University of Göttingen, Platz der Göttingen Sieben 3, OEC II-19, 37073 Göttingen, February 2008
  • IAFFE Annual Conference, Sydney, Australia 2006
  • IUSSP Tours conference, France, July 2005
  • IAFFE Annual Conference, University of Oxford, UK, August 2004
  • International Conference on “Sharing Global Prosperity” United Nations University / World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU/WIDER), Helsinki, September 2003
  • Indian Economic Association Conference, Shivaji University, Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India, December 2003
  • Bengal Economic Association Conference, Presidency College, West Bengal, India, February 2002
  • Indian Economic Association Conference, VIT, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India, December 2001

Awards and grants

    • International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP) grant 2013
    • Post-Doctoral fellowship from Danish Research council, 2012
    • Resource Person, Workshop on Data Dissemination on house listing and housing census 2011, organised by the Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics (GIPE) and the Directorate of Census Operations (Maharashtra)
    • Resource Person, “International Workshop on Methodology and Software Development for Statistical Geoinformatics of Hotspot Detection, Ranking and Prioritization for Monitoring, Etiology, Early Warning and Sustainable Development,” organised by Department of Statistics, the University of Pune and Penn State University (Funding: National Science Foundation)
    • International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP) grant 2009
    • Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) grant 2009
    • FMSH- 2009
    • Grant from University of Maryland and National Council for Applied Economic Research (NCAER); May 2008
    • ICSSR-FMSH 2007, 2008
    • Ford Foundation grants 2006
    • University Research Scholarship, Kalyani University 2005-2007
    • Welcome Trust grant 2005
    • Ford Foundation Consultancy Assignment 2004
    • Consultancy grant (SSA) from UNICEF, May 2004
    • UNU-WIDER grant, September 2003