Passionate, Enthusiastic, and Earnest – probably the best way to describe the individuals representing the Alumni Committee of GIPE. Over the years, the committee has successfully woven a strong alumni network and is dedicated to bridging the gap between the institute and its alumni.
Committed to building strong bonds with the distinguished alumni, every year the GIPE Alumni Committee hosts a grand event – reuniting former students and the alumni committee members in a celebration of nostalgia and camaraderie. The event includes a stimulating mix of insightful discussions, exciting competitions and provides a great platform to strengthen one’s networks.
Email: alumnicommittee@gipe.ac.in
Core Committee:
President: Aniket Asgekar (aniket.fe23@gipe.ac.in)
Vice President: Pratyusha Pathak (pratyusha.ibef23@gipe.ac.in)
General Secretary: Annie Keerthana (annie.ae23@gipe.ac.in)
General Secretary: Kunal Sharma (kunal.pshe23@gipe.ac.in)
Treasurer: Samridh (samridh.ae23@gipe.ac.in)