Gurudas Nulkar
Professor, Director Centre for Sustainable Development
Ph.D, TMV Pune
Specialization : Sustainable Development, Ecological perspective of economic models
Centre for Sustainable Development, Jinnah House, Gokhale Institute Ext: 020-68253300
Gurudas has a Ph.D in industrial sustainability and environmental management. He has been the ‘Endeavour Fellow’ of the Government of Australia, where he studied sustainability initiatives within small and medium industries, and city councils. He was also the Sir Ratan Tata Visiting Fellow at the Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bengaluru.
Gurudas is the recipient of the 22nd Dewang Mehta Award for Best professor of management.
He is the author of five books, of which two are in English and three in Marathi. His Marathi book ‘अनर्थशस्त्र’ received the Government of Maharashtra “C.D.Deshmukh Award in Economic Literature”.
Gurudas has been an expert on several committees and panels, including UN-ESCAP program, government of Maharashtra, and Pune Divisional Commissioner’s office. He contributed to the Pune Metropolitan Region Development Authority Draft Plan as an ecological expert.
He is a member of Pune International Centre, Energy, Environment and Climate Change; member of Indian Society for Ecological Economics, Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi.
Gurudas has completed several projects funded by organisations such as World Resources Institute, Global Forest Watch, Centre for Environmental Education, UNICEF, and others.
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Book chapters
- द हिडन लाईफ ऑफ ट्रीज्, (2022); Translation of ‘The Hidden Life of Trees’ by Peter Wohlleben, Manovikas Prakashan.
- शेतापासून ताटापर्यन्त, (2022); Manovikas Prakashan, Pune.
- Ecology, Equity and the Economy (2018); Ecological Society
- अनर्थशास्त्र (2019); Publisher Manovikas Prakashan, Pune. (Awarded the 2019 Maharashtra State Government “C.D.Deshmukh Award” for literature in Economics)
- Fauna of Symbiosis International University (2017); Symbiosis International University
Book Chapters
- Nulkar G, Bedarkar M (2020) Does nature conservation matter to Corporations? – Corporate Biodiversity Management for Sustainable Growth; (2020). Springer Nature.
- Salunke K, Nulkar G; (2018) Data-Driven Water Management: Lessons from Pani Panchayat
Parivartana – The role of analytics in social transformation. Tata Consultancy.
- Nulkar G (2018) Turtles or tourists? Assessing the role of ecotourism in wildlife conservation – A case from India. Environmental Impacts of tourism in developing nations; (2018) IGI Global, USA.
- Nulkar G (2018) Environmental Sustainability Practices for SMEs. (2018) Green Initiatives for Business Sustainability and Value Creation; IGI Global, USA.
- Nulkar G, Joshi G (2018) Green: The New Shade of Personal Care Products in India. (2018) Management strategies and technology fluidity in the Asian Business Sector; IGI Global, USA.
- Hiremath R, Kumar B, Bansode S, Nulkar G, Patil S, Murali J (2017) Industrial Wastewater Management in the Context of Climate Change Adaptation in Selected Cities of India: A Business Approach; Reconsidering the Impact of Climate Change on Global Water Supply, Use, and Management; (2017) IGI Global, USA.
- Nulkar G (2016) Greening engineering SMEs in India; Corporations and Sustainability: The South Asian Perspective (2016) Editor Dr. P.D.Jose IIM Bangalore. Routledge – Greenleaf Publishing, UK.
Journal publications
Journal Publications
- Nulkar G, Bedarkar M (2021) Hitchhiking microbes: Declining biodiversity & emerging zoonoses – Indian Journal of Medical Research (2021); Walters Kluwer Publication.
- Nulkar G (2020) Thirsty crops and virtual water flows – making sense of the economically invisible water Current Science 118 (9), 1349
- Navalgund N, Mahantshetti S, Nulkar G (2020) Factors influencing purchase intention towards E-vehicles among the Potential Indian consumers- A study on Karnataka region; Vol 48(3)
- Nulkar G (2016) Strategic Tangle: A cocreated strategy game for management students. Management Teaching Review; Sage Publications; Vol 1, no.2
- Nulkar G (2016) The environmental costs of serving the bottom of the pyramid.
Sustainability: The Journal of Record, M.A. Liebert, USA. February 2016; Vol 9, No. 1.
- Joshi G, Nulkar G (2016) Looking Good and Thinking Green-Can Green Personal Care Products Be Promoted? International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management
- Nulkar G (2014) Lessons from Velas: Assessment of eco-tourism as a model for conservation in Konkan. Journal of Ecological Society, Dec 2014, Vol 26 & 27.
- Nulkar G (2014) Does Environmental Sustainability matter to SMEs? Evidence from India; International Journal of Environmental Studies, Taylor & Francis UK. Vol 71(4)
- Wyeth G, Nulkar G (2014) Sustainability in Emerging Markets: Evidence from India, Sustainability: The Journal of Record, MALiebert, USA. Vol 7(2)
- Nulkar G (2014) Greening in the Product Life Cycle –A study with engineering SMEs Sustainability: The Journal of Record, MALiebert, USA. Vol 7(4)
- Nulkar G (2014) Green Business Strategies as a source of Competitive Advantage, Proceedia: Social and Behavioral Sciences 133
- Nulkar G (2012) The Assault on the Bottom of the Pyramid; Journal of Ecological Society
Completed projects
- Landslides of Western Maharashtra: Rapid appraisal for developing improved preparedness and early warning systems for landslides in Western Maharashtra and Konkan Regions, Maharashtra State (2022) ACWADAM, funded by UNICEF.
- Ecological Assessment of floods, 2020. Prepared for Vadnere Committee on Floods, Government of Maharashtra.
- Improving floral diversity of the Mayureshwar Wildlife Sanctuary. 2017, Ecological Society, funded by Global Forest Watch, World Resources Institute.
- Ecological Management of Pashan Lake, 2018. Ecological Society funded by CEE.
- Ecological guidelines for Riverfront Development of Mula-Mutha rivers, 2018. Ecological Society, funded by CEE.
Media Publications
- शहरे विस्तारली; भूजल हरपले; वनराई
- बांधकामचे भरकटलेले रास्ते; सकाळ
- गोष्ट पाषाण तलावाची; पुण्यभूषण
- The Teesta in Distress! India Water Portal
- इतिहासातील चुका: भारतातील पाणी व्यवस्थापन-काल आणि आज; जलसंवाद
- नदीसूक्त; जलसंवाद
- पाणी: शुल्क आणि मूल्य; जलसंवाद
- पुण्याचे पाणलोट क्षेत्र; पुण्यभूषण
- Sri Lanka’s organic farming crisis: Learning from failures; Down to Earth
- पर्यावरणीय आणि सामाजिक सुरक्षेचा विचार हवा; वनराई
- पुन्हा घडवूया रेनायसांस; पालकनीती
- Biodiversity and Pandemics: Does conserving nature matter to corporations?; Down to Earth
- भारताचा फॉरेस्ट सर्व्हे: वनक्षेत्रातील वाढ कितपत खरी?; वनराई
- महासत्ता की महासमता?; लोकसत्ता
- दुष्काळ आणि ऊसशेतीचे चुकलेले गणित; महा अनुभव
- वृक्षारोपण म्हणजे वनीकरण का?; वनराई
- करोनाव्हायरसचे धडे – शाश्वत मार्ग पत्करण्याची अभूतपूर्व संधी; आजचा सुधारक
- प्लॅस्टिक पुनःप्रक्रिया: अस्वस्थ करणारे सत्य; महा अनुभव
- सामाजिक कुंपणाची ऐशीतैशी; महा अनुभव
- पाण्याचा धंदा; साधना
- अर्थव्यवस्था, निसर्ग र्हास आणि ग्राहक; पालकनीती
- नैसर्गिक लय आणि भरधाव जीवनशैली; वनराई
- मार्क्स आणि एन्जल्सचा निसर्गवाद; वनराई
- शाश्वत मार्गच उपयोगी; वनराई
- आर्थिक वृद्धी की शाश्वत विकास? वनराई
- पारंपरिक वाणांच्या जतनातून शेती वाचेल; महा अनुभव
- गोष्ट मधमाशी आणि वाघाची; महा अनुभव
- पुण्यातील वन्य जीवनाच्या खाणाखुणा; महा अनुभव
- वेळासचे धडे; वनराई