Jayanti Kajale
Professor, Dean of Student Affairs and Welfare Member, AERC
Ph.D., University of Pune
Specialization : Agricultural Economics
123, UGC Building Ext: 317
Kajale works in the area of agricultural economics. Her research interests are the structure and occupational patterns of agricultural and rural households, the importance and role of the non-farm sector and agro-processing sector in the rural economy, the status of women in the rural and so on.
She has worked on several projects based on the data collected through field surveys. These include studies on the national rural employment guarantee scheme, farmers’ suicides, soil health card scheme, direct cash transfers, and the agricultural trade policy. She teaches international trade in agriculture and agro-processing industries at the M.Sc. Agribusiness Economics at the Institute.
Books & book chapters
Chapters in Edited Books
- Jayanti Kajale and Sangeeta Shroff (2018), ‘From EGS to MGNREGA in Maharashtra: Were the Programme Potentials Achieved?’ in M. Bhattarai, P.K. Viswanathan, R.N. Mishra, C. Bantilan (Eds.) Employment Guarantee Programme and Dynamics of Rural Transformation in India -Challenges and Opportunities, Series: India Studies in Business and Economics, Springer.
- Jayanti Kajale (2018), ‘Agro-processing Industries in Maharashtra: Status and Prospects’, in. Sangeeta Verma and P.C. Bodh edt Glimpses of Indian Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, GoI, Oxford University Press, New Delhi.
- Jayanti Kajale and Sangeeta Shroff (2015) ‘Sustainability of Government Schemes: Case of NREGA in Maharashtra’, In O.P. Shukla edt. New Horizons in Indian Economy: Strengths and Weaknesses of Various Sectors, Regal Publications, New Delhi Pp 129-144.
- Sangeeta Shroff and Jayanti Kajale (2015), Agricultural Sector in India: The Way Forward, In O.P. Shukla edt. New Horizons in Indian Economy: Strengths and weaknesses of Various Sectors, Regal Publications, New Delhi, Pp 51-62.
- Sangeeta Shroff, S.S.Kalamkar and Jayanti Kajale (2016), ‘Promoting Organised Retail in Horticulture and Beneficial Impact on Farmers-The Case of Deepak Fertilisers and Petrochemicals Limited’, In N.Chandrasekhara Rao et al edt. Organised Retailing and Agri-Business: Implications of New Supply Chains on the Indian Economy, India Studies in Business and Economics, Springer, New Delhi.
Completed projects
Projects submitted to the Ministry of Agriculture, New Delhi
- Jayanti Kajale and Amruta Suryawanshi, ‘Village Survey Study: Study of Village Gulumb in Maharashtra’, January 2021
- Jayanti Kajale, ‘Trade Policy and the Edible Oilseed Sector of India’, August 2018.
- Sangeeta Shroff and Jayanti Kajale, ‘Dynamics and Revival of Fallow Land in Maharashtra’ February 2017.
- Jayanti Kajale and Sangeeta Shroff, ‘Impact of Soil Health Card Scheme on Production, Productivity and Soil Health in Maharashtra’, July 2017.
- Jayanti Kajale and Sangeeta Shroff ‘Impact of Neem-coated Urea on Production, Productivity and Soil Health in India – A Case of Sugarcane and Tur in Selected Districts of Maharashtra’ February 2017.
- Sangeeta Shroff and Jayanti Kajale, ‘Farmer Suicides in Maharashtra’, January 2017.
- Sangeeta Shroff and Jayanti Kajale, ‘Evaluation of CS-Central Sheep Breeding Farm, Hissar’, September 2015.
- Jayanti Kajale and Sangeeta Shroff, ‘Problems and Prospects of Oilseeds Cultivation in Maharashtra’, October 2013.
- Sangeeta Shroff and Jayanti Kajale, ‘Assessment of Crop-wise Marketed and Marketable Surplus of Food Grains and Post-Harvest Losses in Maharashtra’, 2013.
- Jayanti Kajale and Sangeeta Shroff, ‘Impact of NREGA on Wage Rates, Cost of Production, Food Security and Rural-Urban Migration’, June 2011.
- Sangeeta Shroff, S.S. Kalamkar and Jayanti Kajale, ‘Impact of Emerging Marketing Channels in Agricultural Marketing-Benefit to Producers -Sellers and Marketing Costs and Margins of Major Agricultural Commodities’, April 2011
- Jayanti Kajale, ‘An Evaluation of Macro Management of Agriculture Schemes in Maharashtra’, March 2010.
- Jayanti Kajale, Understanding the Growth and Prospects of Agro-processing Industries in Maharashtra’, June 2009.
- Sangeeta Shroff and Jayanti Kajale ‘State Budgetary Resources and Agricultural Development in Maharashtra’, March 2009.
- Jayanti Kajale ‘Study to Investigate the Causes of Variation between Official and Trade Estimate of Cotton Production’, 2006.
- Jayanti Kajale ‘Rural Non-Farm Employment in Maharashtra’, 2003.
- Jayanti Kajale ‘Likely Impact of Liberalised Imports and Reduced Tariffs on Edible Oil Sector in India: A Quick Survey of Soybean in Maharashtra’, 2001
Other projects
- ‘Division wise Crop wise Cost of Cultivation in Maharashtra’, with Sangeeta Shroff, for the then Hon. Revenue Minister Mr Chandrakant Patil, Maharashtra, July 2017
- Jayanti Kajale ‘Development Paradox: A Study of Tribal Villages in Thane District of Maharashtra’, assigned by the Ministry of Tribal Affairs, GoI, New Delhi, June 2015.
- Jayanti Kajale and Vini Sivanandan, ‘External Evaluation of Continuing Education Programme in Mysore District,’ for Commissioner of Mass Education, Govt. of Karnataka, Bangalore, 2007
- Jayanti Kajale and Vini Sivanandan ‘Evaluation of State Resource Centre, Ahmedabad’, for Ministry of HRD, New Delhi, 2006.
- Sangeeta Shroff, Deepak Shah and Jayanti Kajale ‘State Development Report –Maharashtra’, the chapter on Agricultural Growth with Shroff and Deepak Shah, for Planning Commission, New Delhi, 2005.
- Jayanti Kajale (2006), “Magic Beans Turn Tragic Beans- Impact on Soybean Farmers in WTO Regime”, Research paper, Centre for Trade and Development (Oxfam GB), New Delhi.
Ongoing projects
- Jayanti Kajale and Atreyee Chakraborty ‘Role of Women Cultivators in the Agricultural Sector: Case of Maharashtra’
- Jayanti Kajale, ‘Impact Evaluation of Pilot Project “Development of Model Villages under Soil Health Card Scheme’
- Jayanti Kajale (with Sangeeta Shroff and Deepak Shah) ‘Land Titling and Agricultural Productivity’
- Jayanti Kajale (with Sangeeta Shroff and Deepak Shah) ‘Consumption of Edible Oils in India’
Refereed journals
- Jayanti Kajale and Sangeeta Shroff (2021), ‘Women in Agriculture’, Review of Market Integration, Vol. 12 (3), Sage Journals, online appeared on May 28, 2021.
- Jayanti Kajale and Sangeeta Shroff (2018), ‘Application of Neem Coated Urea: Impact on Sugarcane and Tur Farmers in Maharashtra’, Arthavijnana, Vol. LX (2), June, p.127-134.
- Sangeeta Shroff and Jayanti Kajale (2018), ‘Agrarian Distress in Maharashtra: Why Vidarbha and Marathwada Alone?’, Arthavijnana, Vol. LX (2), June,127-134.
- Jayanti Kajale and Sangeeta Shroff (2014), ‘Potential of the Miracle Bean: Soybean Cultivation in Maharashtra’, Arthavijnana, Vol. LVI (2), June, pp. 261-277, ISSN:0971-586X
- Sangeeta Shroff and Jayanti Kajale (2014), ‘Marketed Surplus of Major Food grains in Maharashtra’ Arthavijnana, Vol. LVI (2), June, pp. 253-260.
- Jayanti Kajale and Sangeeta Shroff (2014), ‘Soyabean Sector of Maharashtra: Pattern of Growth and Prospects’ Indian Journal of Economics and Development, Volume 10 (3) Pp 227-236.
- Sangeeta Shroff and Jayanti Kajale (2014), “Sugar Sector: Is it Sustained by Subsidies”, Conference Issue, Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol.69 (3), Conference number, July September 2014.
- Sangeeta Shroff, and Jayanti Kajale (2014),’ Organised Retail: Welcome move for Competition’, Indian Journal of Agricultural Marketing, Conference issue, Vol. 28(3), Pp: 74-81.
- Sangeeta Shroff and Jayanti Kajale (2012), ‘Role of Minimum Support Price-How far are farmers Protected? Case of Maharashtra’, Indian Journal of Agricultural Marketing, Vol. 26 (3), September –December.
- Jayanti Kajale and Sangeeta Shroff (2012), ‘Potential and Challenges of Indian Agri-exports: A long Road Ahead’, Theme paper, Conference issue, Indian Journal of Agricultural Marketing, Vol. 26 (3), September –December.
- Jayanti Kajale and Sangeeta Shroff (2012), ‘Employment and Asset Creation under NREGA in Maharashtra: Realities and Lessons’, Journal of Agricultural Development and Policy, Vol.22 (1), January-June, 2012.
- Jayanti Kajale and Sangeeta Shroff (2011), ‘Government Initiatives for Tribal Development in Maharashtra: Respite due to NREGA’, The Indian Economic Journal, Special Issue, Issues on Economy of Maharashtra, December 2011.
- Jayanti Kajale (2010) “Macro Management of Agriculture’ Schemes in Maharashtra: An Evaluation’ Artha Vijnana, Vol. LII (3), September.
- Sangeeta Shroff and Jayanti Kajale (2008), “Government Intervention in Horticulture Development: The Case of Maharashtra” Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol.63(3), Conference Number, July-September.
- Jayanti Kajale (2002), “Trade Liberalization and the Soybean Sector in Maharashtra “, Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 57(3), Conference Number, July-September.
- Jayanti Kajale (2001), “Social Stratification and the Agricultural Labourers: Evidence from Village Labour Market in Maharashtra”, Artha Vijnana, Vol.XLIII(1,2), March-June.
- Jayanti Kajale (2001), “Transforming the Tribal Economy: Labour Organisation and Agricultural Labourers in Maharashtra”, Indian Journal of Labour Economics, Vol. 44(4), Conference Number.
- Jayanti Kajale (1999), “Changing Economic Structure and Rural Labour Institutions: Micro-Level Evidence from Maharashtra”, Indian Journal of Labour Economics, Vol.42 (4), Conference Number.
- Jayanti Kajale (1997), “Sorry State of Agricultural Wage Data: Sources and Methods of Collection”, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol.32 (19), May 10.
- Sangeeta Shroff and Jayanti Kajale (2014), ‘Success Story of a White Revolution- The Case of Gowardhan Dairy’, Productivity, Vol. 55(2), July-September, Pp-212-218.
- Sangeeta Shroff, S.S. Kalamkar and Jayanti Kajale (2014), ‘Emerging Retail Sector in Agricultural Marketing’, Productivity, Vol.54 (4), January March 2014.
- Sangeeta Shroff and Jayanti Kajale (2010), “Food Security: Challenges and Threats for India”, Agricultural Situation in India, DES, Ministry of Agriculture, GoI, New Delhi, 2010.
- Jayanti Kajale (2010), “Estimating Cotton Production in Maharashtra”, Agricultural Situation in India, Vol. LXVII (4), DES, Ministry of Agriculture, GoI, New Delhi, July,
- Jayanti Kajale and Sangeeta Shroff (2008) “Food Management in India: Potential and Challenges”, Agricultural Situation in India, special number on the theme ‘Food Management in India in Global Perspective, August.
- Sangeeta Shroff and Jayanti Kajale (2008), “State Intervention through Price Policy and Risk Mitigation – A Case of Maharashtra”, Agricultural Situation in India, DES, Ministry of Agriculture, GoI, New Delhi, February.
Policy briefs/news articles
Policy Briefs (published by Centre for Monitoring Agriculture, IIMA for submitting to PMO and Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare)
1. Soybean Production in Maharashtra: The Double-edged Sword, Issue 2, December 2017
2. Rising Imports in Edible Oils Despite High Tariffs, issue 7, September 2018.
3. Assessing the Change: Resurvey of Village Gulumb in Maharashtra, Issue 22, June 2021
Newspaper articles
1. Jayanti Kajale (2022), Resilience of Indian Agri Exports: Post Pandemic Prescriptions, News Trail, February 24.
2 ‘नव्या चौकटींच्या शोधात शेती-विकास’, दैनिक लोकसत्ता (‘Agriculture in Search of New Framework’, Loksatta Daily, Marathi), March 31, 2022
Jayanti Kajale (2018), ‘Women in Agriculture, in Mahila Vishwa Visheshank 2017 on Women in Economy, Drishti Stree Adhyayan Prabodhan Kendra, Pune.
Jayanti Kajale (2021), शेतीक्षेत्रातील सुधारणा: नवीन कायद्यांची गरज काय? (Farm Sector Reforms: Importance of New Farm Laws), आजचा सुधारक, Marathi online magazine, January 2021.
Jayanti Kajale (2022) ‘भारतीय शेती – वाटचाल आणि आव्हाने’, प्रेरक ललकारी (Indian Agriculture- Status and Challenges, Prerak Lalakari, magazine, Marathi), March- April 2022
Agro-alert (published by Centre for Monitoring Agriculture, IIMA for submitting to PMO and Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare)
1. Jayanti Kajale (2018), Rising Imports in Edible Oils Despite High Tariffs, Issue 7.
2. Jayanti Kajale (2020), Village Stream Linking: Innovative Scheme in Gulumb Village in Maharashtra’, issue 18, July.
3. Jayanti Kajale (2021), ‘Promoting India’s Agri Exports during the Covid Crisis’, issue 19, September 2020.
Membership & Recognition
Policy Briefs (published by Centre for Monitoring Agriculture, IIMA for submitting to PMO and Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare)
1. Soybean Production in Maharashtra: The Double-edged Sword, Issue 2, December 2017
2. Rising Imports in Edible Oils Despite High Tariffs, issue 7, September 2018.
3. Assessing the Change: Resurvey of Village Gulumb in Maharashtra, Issue 22, June 2021
Newspaper articles
1. Jayanti Kajale (2022), Resilience of Indian Agri Exports: Post Pandemic Prescriptions, News Trail, February 24.
2 ‘नव्या चौकटींच्या शोधात शेती-विकास’, दैनिक लोकसत्ता (‘Agriculture in Search of New Framework’, Loksatta Daily, Marathi), March 31, 2022
Jayanti Kajale (2018), ‘Women in Agriculture, in Mahila Vishwa Visheshank 2017 on Women in Economy, Drishti Stree Adhyayan Prabodhan Kendra, Pune.
Jayanti Kajale (2021), शेतीक्षेत्रातील सुधारणा: नवीन कायद्यांची गरज काय? (Farm Sector Reforms: Importance of New Farm Laws), आजचा सुधारक, Marathi online magazine, January 2021.
Jayanti Kajale (2022) ‘भारतीय शेती – वाटचाल आणि आव्हाने’, प्रेरक ललकारी (Indian Agriculture- Status and Challenges, Prerak Lalakari, magazine, Marathi), March- April 2022
Agro-alert (published by Centre for Monitoring Agriculture, IIMA for submitting to PMO and Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare)
1. Jayanti Kajale (2018), Rising Imports in Edible Oils Despite High Tariffs, Issue 7.
2. Jayanti Kajale (2020), Village Stream Linking: Innovative Scheme in Gulumb Village in Maharashtra’, issue 18, July.
3. Jayanti Kajale (2021), ‘Promoting India’s Agri Exports during the Covid Crisis’, issue 19, September 2020.