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- An Assessment of ASHA Scheme in Maharashtra
- Prevalence of Obstetric Morbidity and linkages with c section delivery in Maharashtra
- A comparative analysis of malnutrition among children in Maharashtra
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Vini Sivanandan
Assistant Professor
M.P.S., PhD. International Institute of Population Sciences, Mumbai
Specialization : Demography
212, Main Building Ext: 359
Vini’s research interests are the areas of population, health and development. She is interested in measuring the extent of inequality and identifying the vulnerability in population groups. The challenges which arise in health issues and how to implement and build a reliable public health system for a complex and diverse population are the central questions that drive her research.
She heads the Population Research Centre at Gokhale Institute. She has multiple research projects in her bag and likes to mentor research assistants and students as part of large research projects.
She likes teaching very much, through simple exercises, emphasising reading of original research papers, and step wise thinking. She wants to undertake collaborative research projects. She wants to provide technical support & guidance in terms of planning, data collection analysis & documentation for research activities.
Ongoing research
- Comprehensive Assessment of Occupational Health Hazard of Municipal Sanitary Workers of Pune, Maharashtra.
- Collaborative study with IIPS and other 6 PRCs on “Access to & Utilization of RCH Services during COVID-19 Pandemic: A Multicentric Study”. PRC Pune is part of this currently ongoing study, which is a joint venture of IIPS and 6 other PRCs.
- Impact evaluation of the ‘Kayakalp’ programme on a public health facility in Nandurbar, Maharashtra. This study will be conducted in public health facilities which have been selected using the rigorous sampling design.
- District wise analysis of HMIS data for Maharashtra state. The validation error and outliers are being identified for all the districts using the standard statistical techniques suggested by MoHFW.
- Health and Education Outcome In India: An Analysis Of Multidimensional Inequality Of Opportunity. This study intends to contribute to the quantitative analysis of inequality of opportunity by using dissimilarity indices related to multinomial distributions by measuring and comparing the extent of equality of opportunity in India
- Spatial Distribution of Housing And Household Amenities In Urban Maharashtra. This paper attempts to study the availability of housing and household amenities in Maharashtra and distribute the areas from high risk to low risk. Further, the paper also intends to contribute to the future planning of such areas based on the available infrastructure in these areas.