The two years M.Sc. Economics specialisation in Population Studies and Health Economics is designed to impart in-depth knowledge of Population Studies- dynamics of population change along with its linkages with humanities. This course examines the interrelationship of the population with different social, economic, health and nutritional phenomena, in addition to examining complex digital and demographic data using computational methods. Introduction of Health Economics completes the missing link of the courses on Population and Health. This gap is bridged here, considering importance of functioning of health system, healthcare delivery and utilization along with health financing and health insurance.
At the end of the programme , the student is expected to learn pricing and forecasting methods and models used by actuaries. The programme familiarises students with core data science methods, machine learning in demographics, and demographic and social science methods for understanding digital data. Moreover, students engage with large-scale healthcare data like census (microdata), NFHS, NSS, LASI, HMIS, population census, etc. Students also get
adequate software and machine learning training in software like Python, Stata, ArcGIS, SQL, Power BI, Tableau, DICOM, PACS, R Programing, SPSS, SOCSIM, JAS-mine, and NETLOGO.
The students need to complete Sixteen compulsory courses and Four elective course each one of four credits.
Syllabus MSc Economics (Population Studies and Health Economics)