Post Graduate


The two year Master’s degree in Economics is a postgraduate academic program, offering training in economic and development theory, econometrics, applied finance, policy making and quantitative techniques, which together help to study the various critical segments of the economy, thereby making a special value addition to the students. The program stretches over four semesters. Typically, the curriculum is structured around core topics, with many optional coursework complementary to the program focus. The core modules are usually in Microeconomic Theory, Macro-economic Theory and Econometrics

The two years Master’s Degree in Financial Economics course is designed to meet the increasing demand by combining solid training in economic theory with practical exposure to the field of finance through a variety of specialized options. The course is especially distinctive in the three-way link it establishes between economic theory, quantitative finance and financial regulation. This course has been designed following extensive consultation with alumni currently employed in a variety of finance sector occupations.

Agriculture plays a dominant role in the economy of a nation. The growing need for professional manpower to execute various functions in the agricultural sector has enhanced the importance of agribusiness economics courses. The program aims at empowering graduates with agribusiness economics enabling them to own and manage agribusinessenterprises economically of global standards.

MSc Economics(IBEF)  is a unique course designed for careers in international trade, foreign portfolio investment, foreign direct investment, international technical/financial collaboration and joint ventures, international finance and portfolio management, etc. In addition to the learning of advanced economic theory and its applications, the curricular structure of the programme is designed to provide critical learning in the domain of international trade policy, practices and regulations, international corporate finance, international economic institutions, etc.

MSc Economics(Population Studies and Health Economics) is designed to impart in-depth knowledge of Population Studies- dynamics of population change along with its linkages with humanities. It is primarily for understanding the interrelationship of population with different social, economic, health and nutrition phenomena. Introduction of Health Economics completes the missing link of the courses on Population and Health. This gap is bridged here, considering importance of functioning of health system, healthcare delivery and utilization along with health financing and health insurance. This course is expected to shape scholars interested in Population, Public Health and Health Economics.