Post Graduate

Rules governing the M.Sc./ M.A. (Economics) Programmes:

  1. The two-year all M.Sc./ M.A. (Economics) Programmes is spread over four semesters. All students admitted to the M.Sc. / M.A. programmes shall be required to register for sixteen compulsory papers and four optional papers within two years, spread over four semesters, from the date of admission during that academic year.  The course structure of 16 compulsory papers and 4 optional papers shall be standardized for all M.Sc. / M.A. programmes. Any additional paper offered by a student shall be treated as a Certificate Course, and the student shall be required to pay the requisite fees for such Certificate Course. Consequently, the consolidated statement of marks shall display only 20 papers, and a Certificate shall be issued for additional paper/s offered by the student, if any, upon successful completion of the Course. However, where an additional paper is offered as a compulsory paper with due approval of the Board of Studies and the Academic Council and notified accordingly, the students will not be charged extra fees.
  1. Each student shall be required to complete the programme within a maximum period of three years (or as prescribed by the Institute / as per UGC guidelines/direction from time to time) from the date of admission. Failure to register for the required number of compulsory and optional papers during the specified time will automatically lead to termination of the student’s tenure in the programme at the end of three years from the date of
  2. At the time of admission, the student shall be required to indicate his/her preference for the optional papers in the prescribed format.
  3. On the basis of preference of optional papers, the Institute will announce the optional papers on offer at the beginning of each semester. The choice of optional papers in the semester will be limited to those announced by the If the optional paper preferred by a student is not offered in that semester, the student will be required to opt for another paper on offer in that semester, in the order of preference indicated by him/her. The optional papers will be offered subject to preference by minimum 15 students and at the discretion of the Institute, and subject to the availability of suitable faculty. However, no student shall be entitled to change his preference of optional papers.
  4. Each paper will be of 100 marks. Continuous internal assessment during the semester (based on periodical tests/assignments) will account for 40 marks, and the semester-end examination 60
  5. Fractional marks shall be rounded off in the case of all examinations, including periodical
  6. Continuous internal assessment shall comprise three periodical tests of 20 marks each (of 1 hour duration each) for every paper in each semester. Of the three tests, two best performances will be counted to arrive at total periodical test marks for each paper.

            Attendance in 2 out of 3 periodical tests/assignments in a paper is an essential pre-requisite for eligibility to take the semester-end examination in that paper.

Of the three periodical tests, the first and the third shall be tests, while the second examination shall be either a test or an assignment.

  1. Attendance in at least 75% of the lectures delivered in each paper, including the qualifying paper/s and appearance for at least two out of three periodical tests/assignments is compulsory, failing which the student shall not be allowed to appear for the semester-end examination for the paper/s. In this case, the consolidated statement of marks will carry the remark “Not Eligible” against the said paper.
  2. Students of M.Sc./ M.A. Part I shall be required to take papers (of one semester duration) in Basic Mathematics and Statistics (or directed and prescribed by the Institute from time to time regarding this subject). Marks obtained in this paper shall not be included in the total marks for award of class. However, every student shall be required to pass the qualifying examination in this paper in maximum three attempts during the 1st Failure to pass in Basic Mathematics and Statistics will lead to termination of the student’s tenure in the programme. The qualifying paper in Basic Mathematics and Statistics shall commence immediately after the last date of admission (or directed and prescribed by the Institute from time to time regarding this subject). Examinations of 10 marks each shall be held after every 6-8 lectures. The students shall be required to pass the qualifying paper with minimum 40% marks in the aggregate.
  3. The hostel admission of students who fail to fulfill the requirement of 75% attendance or answer at least two of the three tutorials/assignments in any paper during any semester, is liable to be

Award of Degree

For the award of the M.Sc. / M.A. degree, a student shall be required to complete all the course requirements (i.e., sixteen compulsory and four optional courses) within a period of three years from the date of admission.

Performance Improvement Scheme:

A student shall be offered an opportunity to improve performance if he/she has secured minimum passing marks, but less than 60 per cent marks in an individual paper only.

  • A student shall be given a chance to improve his/her performance in the papers offered by him/her in each
  • When a student chooses to improve his/her performance in any paper, he/she will be required to surrender the marks earlier obtained by him/her in the semester-end examination of that Thus, only the marks obtained by him/her in the improvement examination for the paper shall be considered for the award of the degree, even if his/her earlier marks in the paper are higher than the marks obtained by him/her in the improvement examination. The marks obtained by him/her in the internal assessment for the paper shall, however, remain unchanged.
  • If a student appears for the improvement examination in a paper but fails in that improvement examination, he/she will not be allowed to appear again and he/she will be treated as
  • After registering for improvement examination in a paper, if a student remains absent at the time of the improvement examination of that paper for any reason, his/her earlier marks will be retained; however he/she shall not be eligible for another attempt at improvement in that paper.
  • In the case of a paper where a student has opted for improvement, the caption ‘Improvement’ will appear in the remarks column against the said paper in the consolidated statement of marks of all four
  1. Rule for Passing: A candidate must obtain minimum 40% marks in the aggregate; taking together the marks obtained in the periodical tests and the semester-end examinations, in a paper, in order to pass in that
  2. The scheme of audit and taking extra paper is no longer available. In lieu thereof a student can apply for a certificate course in any paper of his/her interest, which does not form part of his/her regular sixteen
  3. A student shall be eligible for maximum two attempts for each paper to clear the semester-end examination, i.e. the main examination, and second time as backlog (or prescribed by the Institute or UGC guidelines from time to time). Under any circumstances the student shall not be eligible to answer the semester-end examination in a paper more than two times (or prescribed by the Institute or UGC guidelines from time to time). Students shall appear for Backlog papers in the next immediate
  4. Gracing Rule: In case a candidate fails to get an aggregate of 40 per cent marks in a paper, he shall be given not more than three grace marks by the Examination Committee to enable him to pass in that paper. The grace marks will be added to the marks obtained by him/her in the end semester The consolidated statement of marks will carry the remark “Grace Marks” against such paper, in the remarks column (or prescribed by the Institute or UGC guidelines from time to time).
  5. Grace marks for getting Higher Grade: A candidate who passes in all papers but falls short of 10 marks or less for getting the next higher grade shall be awarded the requisite grace marks by the Examination Committee to enable him/her obtain the next higher grade. Such grace marks will not be indicated separately in the statement of marks of the candidate. However, such marks will be adjusted in the papers for which the candidate appeared in the last
  6. Condonation: If a candidate fails only in one paper, having passed in all the remaining papers, his/her deficiency of marks in that paper up to a maximum of 10 marks will be condoned and these marks will be added to the concerned The consolidated statement of marks will carry the remark “Condonation” against such paper(or prescribed by the Institute or UGC guidelines from time to time), in the remarks column.
  7. No candidate shall be eligible for benefit under Grace Marks for getting higher grade, as well as Condonation simultaneously.
  8. The provisions under Rule 14, 15, 16 are not a matter of right of the student. The cases of grant of grace marks for passing, grace marks for higher grade, and condonation shall be considered by the Examination Committee or Board of Examinations and Evaluation (BEE) in that Semester. The decision of the Committee in this regard shall be final and binding to all.

The proposal for award of grace marks for passing, grace marks for grade improvement, and condonation shall be considered by the Examination Committee or Board of Examinations and Evaluation (BEE) upon recommendation by the respective Course Coordinator.

Rules of Revaluation

  • Revaluation includes the process of verification. If, upon verification of marks, it is found that the marks shown in the original mark-list issued to a candidate have changed, the new marks shall be considered as original marks for the purpose of revaluation.
  • The revaluation of answer-book(s), however, shall not be permitted in respect of periodical tests/assignments.
  • A candidate shall apply for revaluation in the prescribed form (or such manner prescribed by the Institute from time to time in this regard) to the Controller of Examinations of the Institute within three weeks from the date of declaration of the result, along with a non-refundable fee of Rs. 500/- per paper (or the fee prescribed by the Institute from time to time in this regard).
  • No application for revaluation will be entertained unless original statement of marks in the examination concerned is enclosed with the application.
  • The result of the revaluation of a candidate’s answer-book(s) shall be binding on him/her and that he/she shall accept the revised marks as final.
  • If a candidate, whose answer-book has been reassessed, becomes eligible for any prize or any other award, the same shall be granted to him/her and the award previously announced shall be cancelled. If as a result of revaluation, a candidate becomes eligible for the provision of condonation of deficiency, the same shall be given to him/her.

Credits System for Master of Science (M.Sc./ M.A.) Programmes

(Approved by Board of Studies on 10-9-2015 and 5-7-2016 and Academic Council on 1-10-2015 and 6-7-2016)

  1. Academic Year: Two consecutive (one odd + one even) semesters constitute one academic year.
  2. Semester: Each semester will consist of 15-18 weeks of academic work equivalent to 90 working days. The odd semester may be scheduled from July to Mid-December and even semester from Mid-December to May.
  3. Programme: The Institute offers two-year Post Graduate Programmes: Master of Science in Economics — M.Sc. (Economics), Master of Science in Financial Economics — M.Sc. (Financial Economics), Master of Science in Agribusiness Economics — M.Sc. (Agribusiness Economics) and Master of Science in International Business Economics and Finance — M.Sc. (International Business Economics and Finance) and M.A. (Economics)
  4. Course: Usually referred to as ‘Paper’, a course is a component of the M.Sc. / M.A. programme. All courses carry equal weight. The objective of the course and learning outcomes are defined in the detailed syllabus of the programme. A course may be designed to comprise lectures/ tutorials/field work/outreach activities/vocational training/viva/seminars/term papers/ assignments/ presentations/ self-study etc. or a combination thereof.
  5. Credit: A unit by which the course work is measured. It determines the number of hours of instructions required per week. One credit is equivalent to one hour of teaching (lecture or tutorial). At GIPE all Core (compulsory) courses and Elective courses shall have 4 credits each. For each Course there will be 4 hours of teaching in a week and 60 contact hours during a semester of 15 weeks. Contact hours shall include classroom instruction, remedial teaching and time spent on all forms of continuous assessment including tutorials.
  6. Credit Based Semester System (CBSS): Under the CBSS, the requirement for awarding a degree is prescribed in terms of number of credits to be completed by the students. For M.Sc. Programmes at the Institute, the student has to complete 80 credits. All students admitted to M.Sc. programmes shall be required to register for sixteen compulsory and four elective courses. Each course shall carry 4 credits.
  7. Letter Grade: It is an index of the performance of students in a said course. Grades are denoted by letters O, A+, A, B+, B, C and F.

 Letter Grade and Grade Points: It is a numerical weight allotted to each letter grade on a 10-point scale. For M.Sc. programmes each course will be evaluated for 100 marks. Continuous internal assessment during the semester based on periodical tests/ assignment will account for 40 marks and the semester end examination 60 marks. The Institute follows absolute grading system for conversion of marks to grade, where grades are assigned as

Rules for Revaluation Process – Click Here 

Rules and Policy Governing Unfair Means During GIPE Examinations – Click Here

Marks Grade Grade Point
90 and above
O (Outstanding)
80 to 89.9
A+ (Excellent)
70 to 79.9
A (Very Good)
60 to 69.9
B+ (Good)
50 to 59.9
B (Above Average)
40 to 49.9
C (Average)
Below 40
F ( Fail)
Ab (Absent)
Not Eligible
Ne (Not Eligible)