Gokhale in the News

Convocation 2023

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Convocation 2023

arrowOct, 18, 2023

Convocation 2023

arrowOct, 18, 2023

Convocation 2023

arrowOct, 18, 2023

Convocation 2023

arrowOct, 18, 2023

Convocation 2023

arrowOct, 18, 2023

Convocation 2023

arrowOct, 18, 2023

Convocation 2023

arrowOct, 18, 2023

Activities & Events


Gokhale Institute Of Politics And Economics offers a comprehensive range of specialized courses in economics, catering to students at every educational level, from bachelor’s to Ph.D…
Under Graduate

Under Graduate

The undergraduate programe is spread across three years, and encompasses forty two courses. The Courses…
Post Graduate

Post Graduate

The two year Master’s degree in Economics is a postgraduate academic program, offering training…
Ph. D.

Ph. D.

As one of the oldest research and training institutes in Economics in the country, research…
Executive Courses

Executive Courses

The curated programme offers well-defined learning objectives for every participant, that will add value…
Certificate Courses

Certificate Courses

In today’s digital economy, data have become a valuable commodity. However, understanding data requires…


Gokhale Institute Of Politics And Economics offers a comprehensive range of specialized courses in economics, catering to students at every educational level, from bachelor’s to Ph.D…

Under Graduate

The undergraduate programe is spread across three years, and encompasses forty two…

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Post Graduate

The two year Master’s degree in Economics is a postgraduate academic…

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Ph. D.

As one of the oldest research and training institutes in Economics in…

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Executive Courses

The curated programme offers well-defined learning objectives for every participant, that…

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Certificate Courses

In today’s digital economy, data have become a valuable commodity. However…

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The primary objective of the Institute is to conduct research in the socio-economic dimensions of the Indian society, and impart training to researchers in this domain. The thrust areas of research at the Institute are Agricultural Economics, Rural Development & Cooperation, Population Studies, Input-Output Studies for Planning.
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Center for Excellence in Entrepreneurship & Development

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Centre for the Study of Social Exclusion & Inclusive Policy

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Agro Economic Research Centre

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Centre for Sustainable Development

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Input-Output Research Association

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Population Research Centre

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Centre For Health Policy And Systems

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Sponsored Projects

Sponsored Projects


- Gopal Krishna Gokhale

The institute owes its inspiration to Gopal Krishna Gokhale. Gokhale pioneered the approach of scientifically studying social and economic issues that adversely affected the life of common citizens of India under British rule and represented them along with alternative desirable solutions to the then British government.

The institute owes its inspiration to Gopal Krishna Gokhale. Gokhale pioneered the approach of scientifically studying social and economic issues that

– Gopal Krishna Gokhale

- Sir Raobahadur Kale

He was a renowned Public Prosecutor from Satara and also a social reformer and educationist. He was throughout his life a devoted follower of Gopal Krishna Gokhale’s ideals. It was his endowment that was used to create the Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics (GIPE).

He was a renowned Public Prosecutor from Satara and also a social reformer and educationist. He was throughout his life a

– Sir Raobahadur Kale

Dhananjayrao Gadgil

The first director of the Institute, did pioneering work in formulating the methodology of rural and urban surveys, setting up co-operative sugar factories and shaping the work of several institutions and bodies like the Planning and Finance Commission.

The first director of the Institute, did pioneering work in formulating the methodology of rural and urban surveys, setting up co

Dhananjayrao Gadgil

V M Dandekar

He did a path breaking work in launching the first employment guarantee scheme and the crop insurance scheme etc. As an economist, he made significant contributions to public policy debates in a career spanning four decades. His name has for long been synonymous with an aggregative estimate of the incidence of poverty in India.

He did a path breaking work in launching the first employment guarantee scheme and the crop insurance scheme etc. As an

V M Dandekar


Campus Tour

The Gokhale Institute Of Politics And Economics, Pune, was established in 1930 by the Servants of India Society. It is the oldest research and training institute in Economics in the country. It is dedicated to research into the socio-economic dimensions of Indian society and carries forward the legacy of Gopal Krishna Gokhale.

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Research Centres

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Placement Partners

Student Corner

Welcome to the Student Corner at Gokhale Institute, where the vibrant spirit of our student community comes to life!
Here, we celebrate the diversity and creativity of our students through an array of exciting student clubs and organizations. Dive into a world of intellectual debates, cultural showcases, and collaborative initiatives. Our clubs cover a wide spectrum of interests, from economics and finance to arts and culture. Whether you’re passionate about academic pursuits, artistic expression, or social change, you’ll find your niche here. Explore the dynamic student life at Gokhale Institute and be part of the enthusiastic and driven student community that defines us.








Alumni Committee

Alumni Committee



Cultural Committee

Cultural Committee